Thursday, May 09, 2013

There will never be another Dean Martin.

Hey pallies, likes more and more that swingin' photo pad "tumblr is becomin' one of those must go to places for tons and tons of Dino-adulation.  Likes today ilovedinomartin transports you to "dinopaulcrocetti's tumblr page where this Dino-pix blogger shares that fab of fab poses of our Dino playin' an al-b-um on his Capitol turntable with a huge huge assortment of his many glorious  awards on the wall behind him.

And, likes the Dino-prose attached to the pix is brimmin' full of the deepest of respect and amore for our most beloved Dino.  "There will never be another Dean Martin.  I'm certain his multitude of talents will remain in memories for many years.   And aren't we all very fortunate that he passed through our lives?  And left us smiling?  I know that I am."

Like dudes, likes I totally totally concur with these wise words of Dino-devotion, and likes the only thought I woulda change at all is to say that our great man's great talents will  ALWAYS and EVER remain in our memories......devotion to our Dino likes continues to grow deeper and deeper with each passin' year!

And also included in this homagin' of our Dino is an absolutely fab pix of our Dino with a bit of liquid refreshment entertainin' at the Westchester Theatre in 1977.  I loves the look on his face in this stunnin' Dino-pose and simply have to wonder what pearls  of Dino-wisdom came out of his mouth right before and right after this Dino-shot.

Hats off to the "dinopaulcrocetti's" tumblr blogger for honorin' our great man in this great way.  Also certain that it musta be one of today's many many youth who are totally totally committed to the cause of our Dino.
To checks this out in it's original format, as usual, simply clicks on the tag of this here Dino-gram.  Dino-reflectin', DMP

There will never be another Dean Martin. I’m certain his multitude of talents will remain in memories for many years. And aren’t we all very fortunate that he passed through our lives? And left us smiling? I know I am.

Dean Martin performing at Westchester Theatre, 1977


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