Wednesday, May 01, 2013

Pallie: Dean Martin, 1979

Hey pallies, likes Dino-adulation comes in all sorts of shapes and sizes.  One of the newest coolest 'net pads to find dudes sharin' mucho Dino-love is tumblr where you can find tons and tons and tons of swingin' images of our most beloved Dino.  Today we takes you to Mr. Shawn Levy's tumblr site tagged, "The Junk Drawer Of Shawn's Mind," where Levy has posted an absolutely awesome pose of our Dino in shades,  relaxin' with his ever-present Kent Cigarette.

The post tagged "Pallie: Dean Martin, 1979 is one of those cool candid shots of our great man simply bein' his ever hip, cool, and randy self.  Those of us who are deeply into our devotion to Dino always always loves enjoyin' each and every Dino-image that we can gets our hands onto.  ilovedinomartin thanks Mr. Shawn Levy for spreadin' some Dino-love 'round his tumblr pad.  To checks this out in it's original format, simply clicks on the tag of this here Dino-gram.  Dino-diggin', DMP

Pallie: Dean Martin, 1979

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