Friday, May 24, 2013

Our Dino and The Golddiggers "Look For The Silver Lining"


 Hey pallies, likes I am totally totally in Dino-heaven this very Dino-day.  Likes I clicked on a google Dino-'lert and was sent over to youtube where a Greek pallie tagged  "eliasgym" has very recently posted one of the most wonderful of wonderful vid clips from the Dino-show of our most beloved Dino and his Golddigger chicks doin' one of those awesome "Welcome To My World" medleys.

Well, actually this vid  only includes our great man and his golden ladies singin' just one number..."Look For The Silver Lining"...but what an awesome Dino-croon it is!  Likes probably the other numbers were judged to be too too costly to paid the royality fee.

Our Dino with his ever present Kent Cigarette and lookin' oh so swingin' '70's with his hippest of hip threads...dig those mod mod striped likes totally totally rad.

And likes the amazin' way our Dino has of lookin' into the cold lens of the camera and makin' you feel likes he singin' only only to you is so so amazin.  And, likes 'cause this is the endin' segment of this particular show
it is so so heartin' to hear our Dino encourage all us devoted pallies "to be careful drivin' 'cause there is a shortage of nice people in the world."  How very very movin' it is to hear our Dino speakin such serious words of concern for  all his devoted pallies he has welcomed personally into his world.

Likes I the "Welcome To My World" medley segment of the Dino-show is always always my favorite time each week with Dino and likes I wishes that Time-Life would put out a collection of each and every one of those very very special Dino-segments....'cause likes I never ever gets tired of watchin' our Dino and the girls makin' such special music together.

Quire for all you Dino-philes...likes any pallie who can tell us which of the Dino-shows this was from and if it is on any of the Dino-collections thus released?   Likes I thought perhaps that I missed it on one of the Time-Life sets, but likes searched for it to no avail.   ilovedinomartin send out our deepest of deep Dino-appreciato to our Dino-devoted Greek pallie "eliasgum" for such an outstandin' post of a marvelous  moment from the Dino-show!   Dino-awed, DMP  

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