Saturday, May 25, 2013

Dino-creativity Up For Sale

Hey pallies, likes ilovedinomartin loves to celebrate the many and varied ways that pallies use their artistic creativity to homage our most beloved Dino.  Likes the dudes at google Dino-'lerts just just send us off to a pad tagged "Zoomblogz" where a fabulous artist tagged Randal Huiskens has provocatively created one of the most Dino-evocative paintin's that this Dino-holic has ever seen.

Sharin' this with you this very Dino-day 'cause this Dino-image is bein' auctioned off right now with the pallies at Ebay and thoughts that maybe a Dino-phile or two in the ilovedinomartin fam who woulda likes to put in a bid on this intriquin' work of Dino-art.

Likes if you clicks on the tag of this Dino-gram to can goes to the original site and click on an ebay link to gets more info on the biddin' process.  ilovedinomartin salutes Mr. Randal Huiskens for usin' his many talents in the effort of honorin' our King of Cool.  Dino-sharin', DMP

Dean Martin

Dean Martin
Acrylic on stretched canvas - 16" x 20"

This painting is currently up for auction on E-Bay.
Click here to bid

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