Friday, May 03, 2013

Dean Martin Pool Party

Hey pallies, likes it is increasin'ly incredible  the huge huge ways that our Dino continues to impact culture on an on-goin' daily basis.....even after departin' the planet likes nearly two decades ago.  Likes we all knows how much our Dino enjoyed his times workin' and playin' in 'Vegas baby 'Vegas....and likes gamin' folks all over the globe continue to capitalize on our most beloved Dino's connection to gamblin' by creatin' more and more slot machines puttin' the accent on our Dino.

Below is a cool vid from a recent addition to the Dino-slot's....."Dean Martin Pool Party".......featurin' our great man relaxin' pool side, sippin' a liquid refreshment and croonin' the romantico tune, "Almost Like Being In Love," from the Broadway smash hit "Brigadoon" by Lerner and Loewe.

Likes what an absolute pleasure to have the companionship of our Dino while  havin' some fun playin' some slots.  And such use of our Dino's persona certainly will have many many more comin' to know, love, and honor our amazin' Dino.   Dino-psyched, DMP

btw, and likes dudes as an extra Dino-bonus, enjoy the vid clip below the slot vid of our Dino croonin' "Almost Like Being In Love," from the fabulous Dino-show...truly truly Dino-perfection!


  1. what an absolute pleasure to have the companionship of our Dino while havin' some fun playin' some slots.

    YES, YES, YES!

    Mr. AOW and I never get to Vegas, but we might go to Charlestown, West Virginia, this summer to play the slots. If we do go, I'm hoping to find one of these Dino machines.

  2. Hey pallie, likes couldna 'gree with your more Miss AOW....what an absolute pleasure to have the companionship of our Dino while havin' some fun playin' some slots.
    YES, YES, YES!" And, likes can't help but trust that our Dino woulda be of great encouragement in havin' some wins as well! Keeps lovin' our Dino!
