Wednesday, May 22, 2013

Dean Martin 24 Movies

Hey pallies, likes I thinks our Dino woulda gets that huge huge Dino-buddha-grin on his face (likes in the Dino-pix below) if he were to visit ilovedinomartin this day.  Likes as all you Dino-holics knows, Dino-adulation is likes totally totally universal in Dino-scope and ilovedinomartin loves to spread international Dino-devotion here at the ol' Dino-blog.

Today we visit a germanic blog tagged  "Hondo Klassiker" where the pallie has shared 24 of our great great man's great great flicks with their readership...and if likes you goes to the blog directly, likes I think there is a link to be able to view these assorted Dino-treasures.  But, likes why ilovedinomartin chose to share this particular bit of Dino-passion with youse, and why we thinks our most beloved Dino woulda find this particular post so much fun  is likes 'cause some of the titles translated from the German makes for some very very interestin' tags.

Likes ilovedinomartin thought that it mighta be fun to see if some of you dudes woulda figures out what are the original titles for these renamed big screen Dino-efforts.  Some of the titles are as they appear in the original english, but some require a bit of Dino-thinkin'.

Here are the fun tagged Dino-flicks....

- Damn they are all (Drama | USA 1958)
- Frankie and his cronies (Comedy, Crime | USA 1960)
- All in a Night (Comedy, Romance | USA 1961)
- Seven against Chicago (Comedy, Romance | USA 1964)
- Always with an Other (Drama, Musical | USA 1964)
- Three times to Mexico (Comedy | USA 1965)
- Two Texas Across the River (Comedy, Western | USA 1966)
- Softly whispering guns (Action | USA 1966)
- The killers are lining (Action | USA 1966)
- When Jim Dolan came (Western | USA 1967)
- If killers lie in wait (Action | USA 1967)
- mortal enemies (Western, Mystery | USA 1968)
- On the Highway Run (Comedy | USA 1981) Hell
- Highway 2: On the highway to hell is going on again (Action, Comedy | USA 1984 )

Likes as you can see, some will be very easy to identify, and perhaps some not so much.
Any who, why not check your Dino-knowledge and see how many of the original titles you can come up with.

Thanks to the pallie at  "Hondo Klassiker" for sharin' his Dino-devotion in this way.  To checks this out in it's original format, simply clicks on the tag of this Dino-gram.  Dino-funnin', DMP

Dean Martin 24 Movies


1917 as the son of the 1913 immigrant from Italy Gaetano Crocetti and 
its coming from Ohio born wife Angela Barra Dino Paul spoke up to 
the age of five only Italian. Therefore he did at school with 
his broken English very hard and left prematurely, the High 
School. He dabbled in various jobs, earned about under 
the name "Kid crochet" as a prize fighter in the welterweight ten dollars a fight. 
At the time of Prohibition (1920-1933) he was a bootlegger. In the casino 
of his native city, he hired himself even as a croupier, he was singing on 
Croupiertisch often aloud, and was so from a music agent 

- Damn they are all (Drama | USA 1958) 
- The Young Lions (War | USA 1958) 
- Rio Bravo (Western | USA 1959) 
- Frankie and his cronies (Comedy, Crime | USA 1960)

- All in a Night (Comedy, Romance | USA 1961) 
- Toys in the Attic (Drama | USA 1962) 
- Four for Texas (Comedy, Western | USA 1963) 
- Seven against Chicago (Comedy, Romance | USA 1964)

- Always with an Other (Drama, Musical | USA 1964) 
- Kiss Me, Stupid (Comedy | USA 1964) 
- Three times to Mexico (Comedy | USA 1965) 
- The Sons of Katie Elder (Western | USA 1965)

- Two Texas Across the River (Comedy, Western | USA 1966) 
- Softly whispering guns (Action | USA 1966) 
- The killers are lining (Action | USA 1966) 
- When Jim Dolan came (Western | USA 1967)

- If killers lie in wait (Action | USA 1967) 
- Bandolero (Western | USA 1968) 
- mortal enemies (Western, Mystery | USA 1968) 
- Wrecking Crew (Action | USA 1969)

- Airport (USA 1970) 
- The Showdown (Western | USA 1973) 
- On the Highway Run (Comedy | USA 1981) Hell 
- Highway 2: On the highway to hell is going on again (Action, Comedy | USA 1984 )

Dean Martin 24 Filme

Der 1917 als Sohn des 1913 aus Italien eingewanderten Gaetano Crocetti und
seiner aus Ohio stammenden Frau Angela Barra geborene Dino Paul sprach bis zu
seinem fünften Lebensjahr nur Italienisch. Er tat sich daher in der Schule mit
seinem gebrochenen Englisch sehr schwer und verließ schon vorzeitig die High
School. Er versuchte sich in den verschiedensten Jobs, verdiente sich etwa unter
dem Namen „Kid Crocett“ als Preisboxer im Weltergewicht zehn Dollar pro Kampf.
Zur Zeit der Prohibition (1920 bis 1933) war er Alkoholschmuggler. Im Casino
seiner Heimatstadt verdingte er sich sogar als Croupier; er sang am
Croupiertisch öfter laut vor sich hin und wurde so von einem Musikagenten

- Verdammt sind sie alle (Drama | USA 1958)
- Die jungen Löwen (Krieg | USA 1958)
- Rio Bravo (Western | USA 1959)
- Frankie und seine Spießgesellen (Komödie, Krimi | USA 1960)

- Alles in einer Nacht (Komödie, Romanze | USA 1961)
- Puppen unterm Dach (Drama | USA 1962)
- Vier für Texas (Komödie, Western | USA 1963)
- Sieben gegen Chicago (Komödie, Musical | USA 1964)

- Immer mit einem Anderen (Drama, Musical | USA 1964)
- Küss mich, Dummkopf (Komödie | USA 1964)
- Dreimal nach Mexiko (Komödie | USA 1965)
- Die vier Söhne der Katie Elder (Western | USA 1965)

- Zwei tolle Kerle in Texas (Komödie, Western | USA 1966)
- Leise flüstern die Pistolen (Action | USA 1966)
- Die Mörder stehen Schlange (Action | USA 1966)
- Als Jim Dolan kam (Western | USA 1967)

- Wenn Killer auf der Lauer liegen (Action | USA 1967)
- Bandolero (Western | USA 1968)
- Todfeinde (Western, Mystery | USA 1968)
- Rollkommando (Action | USA 1969)

- Airport (USA 1970)
- Die Geier warten schon (Western | USA 1973)
- Auf dem Highway ist die Hölle los (Komödie | USA 1981)
- Highway 2: Auf dem Highway ist wieder die Hölle los (Action, Komödie | USA 1984)


  1. I figured out all but two of them.

    All these decades of being a Dino fan helped me do well on this quiz!

  2. Hey pallie, likes good for you Miss AOW...indeed likes you always always speaketh the Dino-truth...."All these decades of being a Dino fan helped me do well on this quiz!" Keeps lovin', keeps learnin' from our Dino!
