Sunday, May 05, 2013

Danny G's Sunday Serenade with Dino: "The Last Time I Saw Paris"

Welcome back Ol' Pals O' Mine! WOW what a day!!! Now THIS is SPRING!!! Listen... youse ALL know me by now... I simply REFUSE to let a good vibe' die! When I'm feelin' somethin'...I'm REALLY feelin' it! Case in point... Dean's "French Style" al b um...especially this time of year! It's just so....SPRING!

This week's Serenade is gonna keep this cool cool vibe ALIVE & keep these cool cool tunes swingin'! "The Last Time I Saw Paris" gets me in such a happy & jumpin' mood, pallies! Gets my fingers snappin'! Gets my blood pumpin'!!! What a great way to feel pals & I owe it ALL to our one & only "King of Swing"!

Man o man...makes me so so glad to be alive & kickin' in this great big WON DER FUL world that we're cruisin' on!!! We can face ANYTHIN' pals...with the power of Dino on our side! we go! Let's turn this one WAY up & keep Spring swingin'! Enjoy!!! 

The last time I saw Paris
Her heart was warm and gay
I heard the laughter of her heart in every street cafe
The last time I saw Paris
Her trees were dressed for spring
And lovers walked beneath those trees
And birds found songs to sing
I dodged the same old taxicabs
That I had dodged for years
The chorus of the squeaky horns
Was music to my ears

Oh the last time I saw Paris
Her heart was warm and gay
No matter how they changed her
I'll remember her ah that way

Dodged the same old taxicabs
That I had dodged for years
The chorus of the squeaky horns
Was music to my ears

Yeh, the last time I saw Paris
Her heart was warm and gay
No matter how they change her
I'll remember her that way

The last time I saw Paris
The last time I saw Paris

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