Wednesday, May 15, 2013

Adventures of Dean Martin and Jerry Lewis #1-10

Hey pallies, likes gotta 'fess up that over the course of the last several Dino-years, ilovedinomartin has accumulated a ton of drafts for Dino-posts yet to be shared with all you pallies.  Sp ilovedinomartin is gonna begin the task of sortin' through all those unprinted bits of Dino-devotion and likes begin sharin' with you the cream of the Dino-crop so to speak.

We begin today with the first of a series of 4 posts found at the "Comic Vine"....a expansive pad devoted exclusively to the art form of what we tag comic books.  Likes as most of you dudes know, our most beloved Dino and his partner Jerry's comedic partnership was likes so so hugely successful that it spawned a series of 40---count 'em----40 DC Comics tagged  "The Adventures Of Dean Martin & Jerry Lewis."

Well the "Comic Vine" has shared covers of all forty glorious editions and for the ten four days ilovedinomartin will be sharin' 10 covers at a time for your Dino-viewin' pleasure.  Like sure does wish that I had a set of these here comics...or likes even just a few of 'em.  So, sits back and enjoys a bit of Dino-nostalgia thanks to the pallies at the "Comic Vine."

To views this in it's original format, simply clicks on the tag of this here Dino-gram and you will not only see all the covers in one place, but likes also the month and  year of each publication.
Dino-gloriously, DMP

 The Adventures of Dean Martin & Jerry Lewis ("and" on the cover, "&" in the indicia") was a humor comic published by DC from 1952-1957, spanning forty issues, featuring the real-life comedy duo of Martin and Lewis. Martin being the "straight man" and Lewis the "comedic foil", following the group's actual break-up, the series dropped Dean Martin and continued the comedic escapades of Jerry Lewis as The Adventures of Jerry Lewis which ran for another eighty-four more issues.


  1. Versatile adventures! To say the least.

  2. Hey pallie, likes Miss AOW, you are so so on the Dino-mark...very very versatile indeed....keeps lovin' our most beloved Dino!
