Wednesday, April 24, 2013

Hollywood's bad boy who made good--- My Dino by Mrs Dean Martin

Hey pallies, likes the ol' 'net is simply loaded with Dino-surprises simply waitin' to be uncovered.  A while back I was surfin' the web for Dino-pixs when I happened on to likes this perfectly perfect pose of our Dino below.  I can't remember which pad it came from 'cause when I went back to search google Dino-images it did not surface 'gain.

Of course, this Dino-image is a spoof that some Dino-devotee created, but likes my first thought on seein' this imaginative cover of a bio 'bout our most beloved Dino scribed by wife numero duo, Miss Jeanne, my immediate immediate Dino-reaction was, "Oh, if only this Dino-tome was actually written!"  How swank woulda it be pallies if we heard the life and times of our great man by his great wife of over 20 years....truly how wondrous woulda it be to hear Mrs. Martin's perspective on our main man!

Likes so so sorry that I didn't catch the pad when I spotted this great great Dino-image, but likes if I comes across it 'gain, or if likes any of you dudes happen 'pon it, likes we'll get it shared here at ilovedinomartin.
Gotta 'fess up that seein' this pose is makin' me so so yearn to delve deeply into the two Dino-tomes that best present the glorious life of our Dino......his partner Jerry Lewis' bio, "Dean And Me: A Love Story," and Nick Tosches' most masterful revelations on our Dino, "DINO: Living High In The Dirty Business Of Dreams."  Keeps lovin' our most beloved Dino!   Dino-delightedly, DMP


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