Saturday, March 30, 2013

Yesterday In Dino-history: March 29, 1973

Hey pallies, likes just realized that the month of March was a popular month for our Dino to officially break the ties with two of his wifes.   As reported a few days ago, it was on March 23, 1949 that our Dino legally finished his marriage with wife numero uno, Elizabeth Anne McDonald.  And, yesterday, March 29 in 1972, our great man officially ended his marriage to wife numero duo, Jeanne Biegger.

Dino has originally sought the divorce from Jeanne after he met, while playin' in 'Vegas, 21 year old Miss Gail Renshaw. Our most beloved Dino was absolutely absolutely smitten by Renshaw, then serving as Miss USA.

After a time that amore cooled, and at the point that our Dino's divorce was finalized  waitin' in the wings was Miss Catherine Mae Hawn, a 24 year old beauty parlor receptionist, who he was engaged to and who would become Mrs. Dean Martin less then a month after our Dino's divorce was finalized from Jeanne.

March 29, 1973 Divorce with Jeanne Biegger is final


  1. Another March Dino day...March 27 was Jeanne's birthday!

  2. March does have a lot of important Dino days..March 27 was Jeanne's birthday!

  3. Hey pallie, likes thanks ever so much Miss Caitlin for that Dino-date...will have to keep that in mind for next year. Thanks for droppin' some Dino-patter, hopes to hear from you often, and above all else, keeps lovin' our most beloved Dino!
