Friday, March 01, 2013

I love how Dean talks to the recording of "The Duke".

Hey pallies, likes as we move into the month of March here at ilovedinomartin, we are simply delighted to continue to encourage 'nother of today's youth who is massively showin' his deep, pure, and oh so true  Dino-devotion via the ol' world wide web.  Today we return to the blog, "HOLLYWOOD MOVIES AND TV REVIEWS BY TYLER MICHAEL,' where our true blue Deanager Tyler (he's 19) has started 'nother amazin' series of Dino-posts, this time 'round Ty is sharin' his top 12 fav celeb roasts moments  from our most beloved Dino roastin' of none other then Mr. Bob Hope.  It is truly truly heart-warmin' to see our pallie Ty spreadin' so so  much Dino-passion 'round his great great blog.

  Likes all youse Dino-philes can reads Ty's pontifical patter below and discover what his 12th fav moment of Hope roastin' is.   Gotta 'fess up that the Dino-roasts is one of the areas of our Dino's huge huge career that I haven't spent much time explorin'. so likes I am really really psyched to gain our pallie Ty's insights to this particular Dino-era.

Kudos to Deanager Ty Michael for this new series of Dino-favs and for makin' sure the folks that flock to his blog are Dino-educated.  To checks this out in it's original format, simply clicks on the tag of this here Dino-gram.   Dino-growin' and glowin', DMP


Celebrity Roasts an event where great comedians and stars come together and make jokes and insults of the celebrity that's being roasted. Unfortunately, Roasts now a days are not funny, very very mean spirited, we see comedians who have only been famous for at least a month that are not funny and even the good ones can't tell a good or insulting joke. However, back in the day there's a Roast special that was funny and insulting at the time and still is today, I give you...

This show had so many famous guests, so many good insults and jokes that you don't need curse words to be funny and insulting. Dean Martin is the host of the show and he too is funny. Every year(Well if I can) I'll not only pick my favorite moments from the variety show, I'll also pick my favorite insults from the Roasts. Well since Dean is the host, I'm not going to pick moments and insults by him, however I will talk about his introductions to a guest on the list and count it as part of the moment. So don't worry Dino fans he's on the list. Our "Man Of The Hour" in this Roast and countdown is...


For those who don't know him, I'll tell you a little about him.Bob Hope is a comedic actor, who went on to Vaudeville,had his own radio show and starred in movies, best ones are when he's with Bing Crosby in "The Road To..." series. He's best known for entertaining the soldiers at war by giving them shows with his jokes and girls. Dean gives him a great introduction and jokes about how similar his Birth Data is to his, his up and comin life as a performer and how he entertained the troops at war. Now that you know about Bob, here's my...


Lets start with number 12.Dean introduces our guest by saying all he carried when he rode into Hollywood is a gun and snake bite skit, incase if he was bitten by the master of insults Don Rickles. Number 12 is...


John Wayne couldn't make it to the Roast cause he's filming the sequel to "True Grit", so instead he films a video of himself on set and in costume talking to the camera. John apologies that he couldn't be there and is disappointed that he couldn't do a picture with Bob which was as disappointing as not doing one with Jane Fonda. John leaves to film his big scene but the Co-star Katharine Hepburn thinks it's her big scene which is a big problem. John bids Goodbye and tells Bob to have a great Roast. I put it low since John wasn't there but still he's funny and at least was nice enough to shoot a short video for Bob, so that's good enough to be one of my favorite moments. Oh and by the way, I love how Dean talks to the recording of "The Duke".

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