Sunday, March 10, 2013

Danny G's Sunday Serenade with Dino: "It Won't Cool Off"


Hey pallies...'member last week when I spoke so so defiantly to the snow & said, "Bring it"!? Well...HE'S BRINGIN' IT!!! Man, you don't wanna mess with that grumpy fella, Old Man Winter!!! We're gettin' hit with 'bout 14" as I type!!!
O well pals...this here Dino-holic is stickin' to his guns! Long as I got Dino singin' in my & my rusty, I mean trusty, ol' snowblower will take on WHATEVER he sends my way! Ha Ha Ha! I must have Spring fever!!!
Anyway pals...picked us a nice, warm tune to cuddle up with for todays Serenade. Found it on Dean's 2009 CD "Amore". "It Won't Cool Off" is perfecto for a storm like this! The lyrics just seem to fit on this cold & blizzardy New England kinda day. Hey pals...I'm keepin' my chin up! Spring is only 10 short days away! What's a little snow when you got Dino croonin' & meltin' ALL those wintery chills away?! Stay strong pallies...we're almost there! Enjoy!


The flame that we kindled hasn't dwindled at all
It just keeps burning burning burning it won't cool off
Your smile is the gold that leads it
Your kiss is the coal that feeds it
And keeps me yearning yearning it won't cool off

And when a cloudy day begins to storm up
We'll pity those who find it hard to warm up
We've got a lovely furnace going for us glowing for us
Burning burning and it won't cool off

And when a cloudy day begins to storm up
We'll pity those who find it hard to warm up
'Cause we got a knocked out furnace going for us glowing for us
Burning burning and it won't cool off
Burning burning and it won't cool off

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