Wednesday, January 02, 2013

"Since I Met You, Dino"

Hey pallies, likes i thinks this is truly truly the most posted Dino-vid here at ilovedinomartin. "Since I Met You, Baby" is our most beloved Dino only MTV vid created in 1983 by his so so talented boypallie Ricci.

As we begin 'nother year 'round these here Dino-parts of offerin' our deepest, purest, and truest devotion to our King of Cool, ilovedinomartin simply has to share this vid clip 'gain with all you Dino-philes 'cause the absolute only and ever Dino-truth is that since each of us Dino-holics have been introduced to our great man, we are always and ever different dudes! Bein' welcomed into our Dino's world and known as his pallies is the most wonderful of transformin' experiences.

So, as ilovedinomartin begins yet 'nother year of Dino-appreciato, likes pallies enjoy this classic of classic Dino-moments of pure Dino-perfection. And, likes hats off to our great man's great boypallie Ricci for creatin' the most stunnin' and stellar of Dino-tribs. Yours in the deepest of Dino-devotion, DMP


  1. I do wish that our Dino had made many MTV vids! The one that he did make is so wonderful.

  2. Hey pallie, likes your wish and mine Miss AOW...I simply can't ever get 'nough of our Dino doin' "Since I Met You, Baby"...simply our Dino at his total total grooviest! Keeps lovin' our Dino!
