Wednesday, January 30, 2013

I promise, it is impossible to be downcast or depressed while watching Dean Martin videos.

Hey pallies, likes got a question-o for all you Dino-holicss this day. Likes what does a mug of skald and our most beloved Dino have in common? Don't know, well then read on o'pallies of mine. From the lovely blog, "The Lovely Prelude" comes a post by Miss Haley Shelton tagged "How To Cheer Up" where Miss Shelton gives her reflections on how she helps herself to "the path to cheerfulness!"

First Haley brews herself up a cup of very strong tea known as "skald" in Ireland where she studied...and then, most importantly goes on over to youtube to do some Dino-viewin', 'cause as Shelton proudly proclaims, "I promise, it is impossible to be downcast or depressed while watching Dean Martin videos." And the Dino-clip that Miss Shelton recommends to start with?........that fabulously famous airline pilot gig between our most beloved Dino and Mr. Foster Brooks...which is included below.

ilovedinomartin says our happiest of happiest thanks to Miss Haley Shelton for liftin' up the name of our Dino in this way and guidin' her readership in deep, pure, and true Dino-happiness! Indeed, likes how coulda any of us Dino-philes ever stay sad and depressed with our Dino 'round. To view this in it's original format, simply clicks on the tag of this Dino-message. Dino-always, ever, and only, DMP

How to Cheer Up

Disclaimer: This is how I cheer up. Maybe you have a completely different way of cheering up, but perhaps this could help you on the path to cheerfulness! All I know is, when I am in a funk, this always does the trick!

When I studied in Ireland, our friends used to make us cups of tea when us poor Americans were too cold and rained-upon to stand the weather any longer. Very strong tea with milk and copious amounts of sugar. They called it a mug of skald, which is slang for "tea". We would drink it while eating biscuits (cookies), and watching "Home and Away", an Australian soap opera that everyone was crazy about, especially the boys.

Ok, reminiscing time is over! Sorry for the trip down memory lane! So, when I need to cheer up now, I make a mug of skald.

I brew some very very strong tea (usually Irish Breakfast by Twinings). Really really squeeze the tea bag before removing it from the tea, so you get that strong flavor.

Add about 1.5 tablespoons of sugar, or more! This is not one of the healthiest things that I make, but it's definitely one of the tastiest!

Add enough milk to cool the tea down to a reasonable drinking temperature, and stir it all up!

Once you have your mug of skald made, get on, and search for Dean Martin videos, particularly from the Dean Martin Show. I recommend starting with Foster Brooks as a drunk airline pilot. I promise, it is impossible to be downcast or depressed while watching Dean Martin videos. Try it.

How do you cheer up??

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