Friday, January 25, 2013


Hey pallies, likes man-o-man dudes, today's Dino-post is likes a absolute massive motherload of amazin' Dino-pixs stirred in with absolutely fabulous quintisential quotations by our Dino and some pallies likes very very close to our great great man. From a feature at Live Journal tagged "picspammy," where a journaler takes a subject, in this case, our most beloved Dino and creates a huge huge homagin' post.

This first appeared on December 4, 2008 and since there are pixs here that I truly truly never ever remember seein' before, I don't believe this has ever been shared with the ilovedinomartin readership. The Dino-poses are separated into several categories: The Man, Friends, The Women, Famlies, The Movies, and The Performer. The quotes come from our great man himself, his second wife, Jeanne, and his partner Jerry Lewis. I am particularly struck by Mr. Lewis' wonderful words of devotion..""Dean Martin had more guts, more courage, more dignity than most men could ever dream of having."

What a wonderful piece of Dino-adulation is shown below....just goes to show that the ol' 'net is full of Dino-treasure simply waitin' to be uncovered. ilovedinomartin salutes the pallie who created this amazin' "picspammy" and is likes totally totally delighted to have discovered it and to be able to share it with Dino-holics everywhere. To checks this out in it's original format, simply clicks on the tag of this Dino-report. Dino-always, ever, and only, DMP

Dean Martin

Dean Martin

The Man

“When Jerry Lewis and I were big, we used to go to parties, and everybody thought I was big-headed and stuck up, and I wasn't. It was because I didn't know how to speak good English, so I used to keep my mouth shut.”


"Frank and I are brothers, right," Dean Martin said. "We cut the top of our thumbs and became blood brothers. He wanted to cut the wrist. I said, 'What are you, crazy? No here's good enough.'"

The Women

"We locked eyes, and I knew. I literally knew: This was it. It made no sense. He was certainly not anyone that I would have--I can't think of two people any more different. There's absolutely no reason in the world except that eye contact, be it kismet, or fate, or that it was supposed to be." - Jeanne Martin on meeting Dean.

Once again I refuse to acknowledge Dean's third wife Cathy Hawn exists. What's with men choosing horrible women the last time around?


“I've got seven kids. The three words you hear most around my house are 'hello,' 'goodbye,' and 'I'm pregnant'”

The Movies

"I can't stand an actor or actress who tells me acting is hard work. It's easy work. Anyone who says it isn't never had to stand on his feet all day dealing blackjack."

The Performer

"I'm not a great singer, but I can hold a tune."

"Dean Martin had more guts, more courage, more dignity than most men could ever dream of having" - Jerry Lewis


  1. FANTASTIC photo essay, DMP!

    I have posted this to my Twitter feed.

    But you know what's sad? The changes in our Dino after the untimely death of Dino, Jr.

  2. Hey pallie, likes thanks for spreadin' the Dino-love 'round...and indeed the untimely death of our most beloved Dino's most beloved boypallie Dino Jr. certainly sent our Dino in a downward spiral. Keeps lovin' our Dino!

  3. Hey pallie, indeed Danny-o, likes I was so so thrilled to see such a huge compilation of stunnin' Dino-poses. Keeps lovin' our Dino!
