Thursday, January 31, 2013

Dino-amore Month Starts Soon...And We'd Love To Have You A Part Of The Dino-celebration!

Hey pallies, likes just a bit of a head's up dudes that tomorrow begins our annual celebration of Dino-amore-month here at ilovedinomartin. While each and every single day of each and every single month of each and every single year, we does our best to spread Dino-love far and wide at this humble little Dino-pad, durin' the month of February we tries to double our efforts to share even even more love and devotion to our most beloved Dino.

And, likes we woulda loves to include youse in this year's 28 days of extra special amore to our Dino. Everyday hundreds of Dino-holics makes pilgrimage to our humble little Dino-home to grow in their passion for our King of Cool, and ilovedinomartin woulda likes to invites all youse Dino-philes to share your deep, pure, and true love for our Dino with the rest of our readership.

Likes perhaps you woulda likes to share a fav Dino-pix, a fav Dino-vid, a fav Dino-remembrance....whatever...the Dino-possibilities are unlimited. But, likes how cool woulda it be to hear from a ton of you Dino-philes lettin' other pallies know truly how much you love our main man. To gets in the action, simply send an email to lettin' us know of your desire and ilovedinomartin will gets back to you.

So so lookin' forward to spreadin' huge quantities of Dino-amore 'round this ol' blog durin' our special month of lovin' on our Dino! Dino-always, ever, and only, DMP


  1. DMP,
    I emailed you a submission for February.

  2. Hey pallie, likes Miss AOW, thanks ever so much for your Dino-efforts and know that I will be gettin' back to you real soon to schedule a day to post your Dino-devotion! Keeps lovin' our most beloved Dino!
