Sunday, January 27, 2013

Danny G's Sunday Serenade with Dino: "Just In Time"

Hey there pallies! Man is it cold round' these parts!!! Brrrrr!!! Hope all youse Dino-holics out there are keepin' warm with some cool cool Dino-tunes & some hot hot spiked cocoa! Ha Ha Ha!

Anyways...I grabbed this week's Serenade off Dean's "Forever Cool" CD from way way back in 2007! HaHa! How time flies when thins' get swingin'! Now it just so happens that our cool cool pal has managed to take top spot once again!

This time it was a REAL pleasant surprise for me! Bout' month or so ago...I was finally gettin' to see the debut of "Liz & Dick"...the Lifetime flick bout' the hot & juicy, crazy cool relationship of Liz Taylor & Richard Burton. Man, as if this wasn't excitin' nuff'...guess how the flick opens???!!! That's right pals...Dino croonin' "Just In Time"!!! That was it...I was hooked! I've watched this sexy & swingin' film 3 times already & STILL haven't got my fill!!! Soon as those first few notes flow through my T.V....I get so so pumped that I'm completely enthralled for the next 2 hours!

Whoever decided on Dean openin' this great flik...REALLY knows how to get the ball rollin'! Well pals o mine... I DEF I NATE LY recommend this movie & I DEF I NATE LY recommend listenin' to as much Dino as humanly possible!!! Enjoy!

Just in time, I found you just in time
Before you came my time was running low
I was lost, the losing dice were tossed
My bridges all were crossed, no where to go
Now you're here, now I know just where I'm going
No more doubt or fears I've found my way
For love came just in time
You found me just in time
And changed my lonely life that lucky day
Now you're here, now I know just where I'm going
No more doubt or fears I've found my way
For love came just in time
You found me just in time
And changed my lonely life that lucky day

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