Wednesday, December 12, 2012

There is no Christmas without Dean Martin heralding its arrival.

Hey pallies, likes today's Dino-winter-month Dino-salute is very very short, but oh so so very very sweet dudes. From the pallies at google came a Dino-'lert to a Dino-pix postin' at flickr. Likes when I went to the page I found a pix of the cover of the latest ver-si-on of Dino-winter-tunes al-b-um, "My Kind Of Christmas." By itself, the postin' woulda probably never ever made it to the pages of ilovedinomartin...

But, likes dudes, the message under the pix is likes so so totally totally where it is Dino-at, that likes I just had to shares it with all you Dino-philes. The dude that posted the image wrote this most most profound Dino-revelation..... "There is no Christmas without Dean Martin heralding its arrival." Certainly this guy musta be one sold-out-to-Dino pallie!

Now pallies, likes ain't that plainly and simply the Dino-reality?!?!?! 'Cause likes dudes...nobody and likes we means nobody sings winter likes our most beloved Dino. Winter belongs to our Dino (and for that matter so does Spring, Summer, and Fall as well!)

You will note that the pix I posted is not the exact image posted at flickr..but the Dino-sentiment is totally totally intact. To checks this out in it's original format, likes simply clicks on the tag of this here Dino-report. Dino-always, ever, and only.

There is no Christmas without Dean Martin heralding its arrival.

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