Monday, December 31, 2012

Celebratin' Dino-eve with our Dino and his pallies

Hey pallies, likes Dino-winter-month is almost to an end and blends so so coolly into Dino-eve. Today ilovedinomartin shares a totally cool, hip, and oh so randy vid clip from the Dino-show that put the accent on our Dino's partyin' on Dino-eve. Likes who better to celebrate the endin' of the ol' year and the comin' of the new then our swingin' Dino! This clip have been shared here before, but it certainly will continue to puts all us pallies into a very very groovy Dino-eve-mood.

In the vid clip below Frank has been throwin' a NYE party in his hotel suite, where 87 chicks and only two pounds of potato salad have gathered with Sinatra and Martin handlin' the food and females. As Sinatra and our Dino retire to Frank's bedroom they uncover Miss Ruth Buzzi a bit tipsy from an abundance of liquid refreshments. Great fun entails as Mr. Sinatra and Mr. Martin try to rid themselves of the buzzed Buzzi.

So, likes sit backs and enjoy these classic moments from the Dino-show and let the Dino-eve partyin' begins! Dino-lovin', DMP


  1. The Years may go by...but these Video Clips NEVER get old! NEVER! Top shelf! Happy New Year Dino-holics!

    Hey, I gotta tell ya pallies...reading these codes that I have to type in under this message is worse than a trip to the Optometrist's Office! :)

  2. Hey pallie, likes 'gain you speaketh likes the purest of pure Dino-truth Mr. Matty. Sorry for the codes...but there are so many dudes who loves to send spam. Keeps lovin' our Dino in this new year of Dino-devotion!
