Wednesday, December 05, 2012

A Bit Of Vid From The Dean Martin Christmas Show

Hey pallies, likes courtesy of the dudes at google 'lerts, ilovedinomartin has discovered that the pallies at Fox and Friends are also spreadin' the good news of the recent release of TIME-LIFE's DVD release of the 1968 edition of the Dean Martin Christmas Show.

Likes if you clicks on the tag of this Dino-report you will be transported to "XFINITY Video" where a vid clip of the Fox and Friends report will be found. And like dudes, this clip begins with the magic of our most beloved Dino croonin' a wee bit of "Silent Night" and let me tells you folks...just hearin' our great man sing this great seasonal song is worth the price of admission for this huge huge Dino-special.

And, likes pallies as you view the clip you will get the opportunity to see other snippets from this amazin' Dino-release. Oh, how simply wonderful to be transported back to the days when our Dino walked the earth bringin' cool to each and everyone of his devoted pallies! Thanks ever so much to the pallies at "XFINITY Video" for post this clip for all of our Dino-viewin' pleasure! Dino-awed, DMP


  1. Thanks pallie. But I cut the clip off after listening to the old standby "Martinelli Apple Juice" and "came home every night for dinner" cliches. Another hawk job for the bucks. It is what it is. Anyway, all the best to you DMP and all the Dino-holics around the world!!

  2. Thanks pallie. But I cut the clip off after listening to the old standby "Martinelli Apple Juice" and "came home every night for dinner" cliches. Another hawk job for the bucks. It is what it is. Anyway, all the best to you DMP and all the Dino-holics around the world!!

  3. Hey pallie, likes I'm with you Matty-o. Just wanted all my pallies to hear our Dino croonin' "Silent Night." Notice that I made no mention 'bout the interview part of this segment 'cause you and I are on the same Dino-page Matty. Keeps lovin' our most beloved Dino...and likes keeps this Dino-patter flowin' Matty 'cause it really warms my Dino-heart to hear from a true Dino-holic likes youse!

  4. I hear ya DMP. Dino's versions of Christmas songs are ALWAYS on the top of my playlist come this time of year! For me, Dino's "Silent Night" is always so peaceful and calming. Tis the Season!

  5. Hey pallie, likes Matty-o, I loves how we are always always on the same Dino-page..does hope we will someday from the time to have more Dino-communicato. btw, I thinks you will totally totally dig the Dino-gram that I just posted for this Dino-day. Keeps lovin' our Dino!

  6. I love hearing Dean sing Silent Night, the christmas show is great :)
    I`ve watched it 5 times.
    Little dissappointed I`ll Be Home for Christmas was cut buyt still very entertaing

  7. Hey pallie, likes Ky nobody sings seasonal likes our Dino and his version of "Silent Night" sets a standard that nobody every could or ever will match. Keeps lovin' our Dino!
