Thursday, November 29, 2012

'nother Dino-tat

Hey pallies, likes dudes I was likes so so totally inspired by pallie Chris' amazin' Dino-tat, that I went on a bit of a Dino-search and found 'nother outstandin' homagin' of our Dino a la the artistry of tattoos over at a myspace pad. The tat below is by some dude tagged Zsolt and likes I am sure that the pallie that received this great tattoo is full of deep, pure and true devotion to our great man.

Likes ain't it amazin' pallies the many and varied ways today's youth are makin' their love of our Dino publicly known?!?!?! To checks this out in it's original form, simply clicks on the tag of this here Dino-report. Dino-always, ever, and only, DMP

Tattoos by Zsolt

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