Thursday, November 15, 2012

"I hated reading about the later years of Dean Martin....."

Hey pallies, likes some of the greatest posts here at ilovedinomartin are oh so short in word count, but likes oh so long in Dino-wisdom and Dino-devotion. And, likes you just never know where these here Dino-reflections are goin' to be uncovered. The pallies at google recently sent me a Dino-'lert from of all places a blog focused on of all thin'!,

From the blog, "Townhall Finance" comes a Dino-honorin' post by Mr. Charles V. Payne. Mr. Payne's money credentials are huge dudes. His bio states......,

"Charles V. Payne is a regular contributor to the Fox Business and Fox News Networks. In addition, he continually provides opinions on the market to scores of prestigious news organizations such as Reuters, Wall Street Journal, and the New York Times and has been the keynote speaker at many investment conferences worldwide. Charles is also the Chief Executive Officer and Principle Analyst of Wall Street Strategies, Inc. (WSSI), which he founded in 1991."

Mr. Payne's provocate post tagged, "A Hug or the "Dope Fiend Yoke," is centered on his opinions on why the recent presidential election went the way it did. Well, likes pallies, all you Dino-philes knows that ilovedinomartin always has been, always will be a-politico.

The reason for postin' Mr. Payne's pontifications here is 'cause as you will discover below, he begins his remarks with the lyrics of the Dino-classic, "You're Nobody 'Til Somebody Loves You," and briefly but boldly speaks of his great sadness over our great man's great demise after the tragic death of our Dino's most beloved boypallie Dino Jr.

As you will read below, Mr. Payne usin' a few words speaks volumes of huge Dino-truth...applyin' a couple of lines from the song to the late days of our Dino's life....

You may be king, you may possess the world and it's gold,

But gold won't bring you happiness when you're growing old.

'gain likes showin' what a wise philosopher our Dino truly is!

ilovedinomartin speaks our deepest of deep Dino-appreciato to Mr. Charles Payne for openly sharin' his compassion for our most beloved Dino in his reflections. To view this in it's original format, likes simply clicks on the tag of this Dino-report. Dino-lovin', DMP

Charles Payne

You're nobody til somebody loves you

You're nobody til somebody cares

Dean Martin

I hated reading about the later years of Dean Martin where he was once taken by some woman grifter preying on his loneliness to squeeze what she could out if his name. After his son died training in a fighter jet, Dean Martin tumbled into despair. Coupled with long nights and hard partying he was soon just a shell of himself, and yet even in that state, he needed someone to show they cared. This is the way it is for all people.

You may be king, you may possess the world and it's gold,

But gold won't bring you happiness when you're growing old.

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