Tuesday, October 23, 2012

The Power of Dean Martin

Friends, it is always refreshing to hear another admirer of our Dino speak about the transforming power of Dino in their life. And, today ilovedinomartin is privileged to share such a testimony. Her name is Ivonne Olguin and her blog, "Life With Mother," details the struggles of living with and providing care for a parent experiencing dementia.

In Miss Olguin's prose, "Power Of Dean Martin" we are offered her very heartfelt honesty about trying to care for her mother in the throws of progessive short term memory loss and more and more erratic and intense mood swings. Obviously life is most often intensely difficult as Miss Olguin cares for her mother.

But in the midst of her real struggles in being there for her mother, Ivonne found immense comfort of late by listening to the soothing sounds of our great man. She warmly writes these words of deep, pure, and true Dino support: "This morning, amazingly, Dean Martin was on the record player. The sound of his crooning voice made me smile inside and out. He made me breathe out so slowly. He soothed my soul."

Miss Oguin gives profound testimony to the transforming power of Dino! How wonderful to know that our Dino is being such a comfort to her as she tries her best to give comfort to her mother. ilovedinomartin thanks Miss Ivonne Olguin for scribing her candid thoughts on "Life With Mother" and the amazing power of our Dino to help her cope with it all. To view this in it's original format, simply clicks on the tag of this message. In awe of Dino, DMP

Friday, October 19, 2012

The Power of Dean Martin

For the last few months things have been progressing, badly. Her short term memory is becoming shorter and shorter. Her moods swings have become a bit more erratic and intense. Her desire for immediate gratification and/or attention is becoming more childlike.

My patience is worn so thin, on some days, I could actually scream out loud (I have made fine use of a couch cushion more than once. It’s surprisingly cathartic!) I am changing. Los Angeles Ivonne is being beaten up every day. I’m becoming short tempered, irritable and so angry. There are days I’m so emotionally beaten up that I just can’t stand her, this house or even being here. Then, of course, I feel guilty for it. Ahhh, the Catholic Latina upbringing!

Every morning is a surprise – it’s unsettling. Will she be angry? Will she be happy and pleasant? Will there be a reproach for a long ago slight? Will there be tears with a childhood memory of her mother? Will her tea taste “Awful!”? Will she be confused and achy?

This morning, amazingly, Dean Martin was on the record player. The sound of his crooning voice made me smile inside and out. He made me breathe out so slowly. He soothed my soul. Wafting through the kitchen and down the stairs he and his backup singers brought to mind the smell of cake, a mother singing/dancing in the kitchen, an after school snack waiting for me on the dining room table, light flooding in from all the windows ‘cuz the curtains were being washed . . . the feeling of love and happiness, kindness and care.

When I was little, my mom got Wednesdays off from work. They were my favorite days. I felt “normal”, like all the other kids whose moms were always home. The light and joy of those Wednesdays has been compressed into Dean Martin today. Powerful. Warm. Homey. Kind. Cheers, Dino!

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