Wednesday, October 31, 2012

Get "Scared Stiff" On This Dino-ween

Hey pallies, likes Happy Dino-ween to all you sold out Dino-holics! And, likes what better way to celebrate this Dino-holi-day then sharin' this stunnin' Dino-lantern that likes puts the accent on our Dino's amazin' Dino-buddahgrin!

And likes, for your total total Dino-viewin' pleasure here's that ultra ubber Dino-dramady, "Scared Stiff" where our great man goes likes spookin' 'round with his great pallie Jerry Lewis. "Stiff" is such an absolute gas and our ever lovin' Dino and his ever funny partner have never ever had better chemistry then in this cool caper of scare!

So, likes Happy Dino-ween dudes and always, ever, and only keeps the lovin' focus on our most beloved Dino! Dino-spookin', DMP


  1. This was such a cute movie! I've laughed hard every time I've watched it.

  2. Hey pallie, likes Miss AOW, couldn't agree with you more ma'am...."Scared Stiff" is pure Dino-fun! Keeps lovin' our Dino!
