Tuesday, October 02, 2012


Hey pallies, likes dudes, likes I have huge huge Dino-news to share with all you Dino-philes. Likes I was perusin' Amazon to see if there way any news of new Dino-releases on DVD, when I was likes totally totally blown away to find that our Dino's last dramatic effort and his lastest of last starrin' roles in "Mr. Ricco" has indeed been released on DVD.

Likes if you clicks on the tag of this Dino-gram you will see that Amazon is now sellin' as "DVD on Demand" this 1975 Dino-flick. And, likes dudes, when I did a google search for "Mr. Ricco" I also discovered that some dude has placed the whole flick on youtube for all our Dino-viewin' pleasures.

So, likes below is youtube vid of "Ricco" for your instant Dino-gratification. But, likes pallies, we alls knows that youtube vids don't always stay on youtube....so don't delay in orderin' a copy of "Mr. Ricco" for your Dino-own. Slowly, but surely, each and every one of our great man's great flicks are bein' released for Dino-posterity! Keeps lovin' our Dino...always, ever, and only! Dino-psyched, DMP

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