Sunday, October 28, 2012

Danny G's Sunday Serenade with Dino Halloween Special: "Blue Moon"

Hey pals! I gots to admit...I'm REALLY a nut for the whole Halloween season! Love the costumes, the scary movies, the ghosts & name it! If it's Halloweeny...I'm diggin' it!

Now, I was havin' a bit of a problem comin' up with the perfecto tune for this week's Serenade! I wanted to incorporate the spooky, cooky, eerie & scary feel with our numero uno swoonin' crooner! Man...that was a mouth full!

Anyways pallies...I musta summoned the ghost of Dean himself...cuz all of a sudden... it hit me...BLUE MOON!!! Can't think of anythin' that gives me more of a thrill & a chill than a big, bright full moon on a cold Halloween night! OK pals o mine...lets get into this creepy & fun time of year & get Scared Stiff with our ghostly pal! Happy Halloween you Dino-holics! 

Blue moon you saw me standing alone
Without a dream in my heart without a love of my own
Blue moon you knew just what I was there for
You heard me saying a prayer for someone I really could care for

And then there suddenly appeared before me
The only one my arms could ever hold
I heard somebody whisper please adore me
When I looked to the moon it turned to gold

Blue Moon now I'm no longer alone
Without a dream in my heart without a love of my own

And then there suddenly appeared before me
The only one my arms will ever hold
I heard somebody whisper please adore me
And when I looked the moon had turned to gold

Blue Moon now I'm no longer alone
Without a dream in my heart without a love of my own
Without a love of my own without a love of my own            


  1. Hey pallie, so likes Danny-o, likes simply gotta asks dude..likes are you gonna be our great man for Dino-ween? Keeps lovin' our Dino!

  2. Hey pal...gotta fess'up...I was a vampire this year. Always thought our guy would make the COOLEST Dracula ever though!
