Monday, October 08, 2012

A note from Dean Martin to Chad & Jeremy

Hey pallies, likes in doin' some Dino-researchin' to see if I coulda find anythin' more 'bout the Chad and Jeremy Dino-connection, likes I came 'cross a Chad and Jeremy blog tagged "Jason's Chad and Jeremy Archive" where a dude tagged Jason Rhoden features all thin's Chad and Jeremy." Mr Rhoden is "their business manager/attorney/biographer/archivist/webmaster/Electric Paintboxer.".

Well likes when I googled Chad and Jeremy and Dean Martin I came to Jason's page that features "Chad and Jeremy Liner Notes" from each of their swingin' '60's al-b-ums. And, likes guess what dudes?!?!?!?! The liner notes from YESTERDAY'S GONE gives some very cool details 'bout each of these musicians and how they came together, but also "A note from Dean Martin to Chad & Jeremy" which our great man wrote to 'em after they had guested at his fabulous Dino-pad.


As you will read below, our most beloved Dino sez some very cool stuff 'bout the duo, but also quires which of 'em went off with one of his possessions. And, of course the liner notes also include a response from Chad and Jeremy 'bout the Dino-missive.

Likes what a total gas is this totally totally hip to have our King of Cool write such cool prose to be shared on the liner notes of one of their al-b-ums. Likes this simply makes me forge Dino-ahead to likes see what other amazin' Dino-finds await on the ol' web!

Likes just thinks of the huge huge number of pallies that our amazin' Dino interacted with in his life time and likes the huge number of Dino-encounters still waitin' to be uncovered and shared. Hats off to Chad and Jeremy's man Mr. Jason Rhoden for sharin' such cool stuff on his blog just waitin' for us Dino-holics to find and embrace. To read this and more from the original source, simply clicks on the tag of this Dino-gram. Dino-only, DMP

Chad And Jeremy Liner Notes It can be very interesting to read liner notes to old records, giving you a feel for where the artists career was at that point, the record label's attitude, and sometimes (as in the case with Chad and Jeremy) what the artist thinks about the record. On this page are the liner notes to all of Chad and Jeremy's 1960's LPs.

YESTERDAY'S GONE The music industry as well as the public are always looking for a fresh new talent. We here at WORLD ARTISTS RECORDS are proud to present two of the most refreshing personalities from across the sea.

Chad Stuart and Jeremy Clyde made their mark with their very first release, entitled, "Yesterday's Gone," introducing "The Oxford Sound" to the American public. During their only trip to date to the United States, both Chad & Jeremy were overwhelmed by the reception they recieved. They made appearances on "The Hollywood Palace," "The Steve Allen Show," and "The Mike Douglas Show," (for which they were held over).

Here are some pertinent facts on Chad & Jeremy:

Chad was born 21 years ago in Windermere (outside of London). He was educated at the Durham School, followed by brief excursions at the Art School and The Sorbonne in Paris. To achieve his musical ambitions he joined a music publishing house as a copyist and arranger.

Jeremy was born 22 years ago at Buckinghamshire. He was educated at ETON followed by a formal education at Grenoble in France. He also attended a school for Speech & Drama, where there he played in a "rock-n-roll" group in his spare time for two years. Jeremy's modesty most often hides the fact that he is the grandson of the Duke of Wellington.

"The boys" met about a year ago at a party, started discussing music, and found that their views were compatible. Henceforth, the birth of CHAD AND JEREMY!

A note from Dean Martin to Chad & Jeremy

"I had an excellent chance to get to know Chad and Jeremy, both personally and professionally while they stayed here in my home during their first visit to the United States.

They are great guys and fine musicians, I have no doubts that they will go a long, long way and if I had the fare I'd go with them.

P>S> I don't know which one of you took my tennis shoes --- but please send them back!!!" - Dean Martin

In a recent letter from Jeremy about their first album,

"...About half the songs in this album are standard tunes, that both Chad and I have always wanted to record. The rest of the songs are new ones. I believe we have captured 'The Oxford Sound,' as you Americans call it. In the song, 'Only For The Young,' Chad has a guitar solo, neither of us sing on this particular cut, but we liked it so much we had to include it. We hope all our fans like our first album, and we'll be back in the United States soon to see them all. Sincerely yours, (signed) Jeremy Clyde.

P.S. Dean, we didn't take your tennis shoes!"

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