Monday, September 17, 2012

Yesterday In Dino-history: September 16, 1965

Hey pallies, likes so so sorry not to have gotten this posted on the exact Dino-date...but likes couldn't let this world changin' Dino-event slip by without some Dino-patterin. What is that world changin' event that happened on Thursday, September 16, 1965?

Well, likes I am sure that anybody who calls themselves a devotee of our Dino coulda tells you that at 10 p.m. Eastern Time/ 9 p.m. Central Time on Thursday night the 16th of September in the year of our Dino 1965 that the Dean Martin Variety Show premiered on the Peacock Channel, and indeed the world has never ever been the same again.

Our most beloved Dino entered the livin' rooms of countless billions of folks every week at the same appointed hour each week for nine years (oh yeah, changin' from Thursday night to Friday night the last year).....makin' the world happier and hipper, classier and cooler, and oh so much more revelin' and randy sorta place.

The best thin' that our Dino did was finally sayin' yes to the pallies at NBC and bringin' the world to our Dino's feet. Certainly the showcasin' of our King of Cool to the masses via the little screen brought those masses to knowin', lovin' and becomin' devoted to our great man.

While Dino had huge followin' from his stage, screen, and recordin' missions, it was truly truly his presence weekly on NBC that made him the mega star that he so so richly deserved...and why pallies of all ages and stages are still hungerin' to get their hands on those 9 years worth of those Dino-episodes.

In rememberin' and homagin' this hugest of huge days in Dino-history, ilovedinomartin shares with you some of our most fav fav of moments from the Dino-show via the magic of youtube. First up is a clip from the very first episode on September 16, 1965 followed by fab moments of our Dino and the Sam man, of our Dino and lonesome George Gobel, and our Dino singin' one of his signature tunes, "Welcome To My World."

Indeed pallies all 'round the globe thrilled to be welcomed into our Dino's world of cool, hip, and randy for those 9-count-'em-9 stunnin' years of Dino-magic.

We thanks D J Randy B for liftin' up this magical moment in Dino-time and remindin' us of the date when our Dino conquered the little screen for his very own. To read this in it's original format, simply clicks on the tag of this here Dino-gram. Dino-rememberin' and celebratin', DMP

1965: NBC-TV premieres The Dean Martin Show, featuring the theme song (and recent hit) "Everybody Loves Somebody," and, later, a chorus of beautiful showgirls named The Golddiggers. The famously laid-back and largely improvised show, which made stars of Dom DeLuise, Charles Nelson Reilly, Tom Bosley, and Nipsey Russell, would run for a full decade.


  1. Oh, how well I recall the glorious night that our Dino's show began on NBC! Thanks for that glorious first video!

    PS: Sinatra was really in good voice back at that time. Mature, yet evocative of the skinny boy singer that he started out as.

  2. BTW, Sinatra turned 50 in December 1965.

  3. I just have to say this....

    Our Dino and Frank were having such FUN with their singing. Oh, for the good ol' days, huh?

  4. Hey pallie, likes thanks Miss AOW for all those wonderful Dino-reflections....this was truly the hugest of huge days in all of Dino-history....his weekly visits via the small screen truly brought the masses to our King of Cool. Keeps lovin' our Dino!
