Friday, September 28, 2012

"Who Was That Lady" with Dean Martin, Tony Curtis, Janet Leigh, James Whitmore and many, many more.

Hey pallies, likes gotta 'fess up that today's Dino-gram is so low in actual Dino-devotion that likes I almost passed it by, but it is such a cool photo essay from that so underrated Dino-flick, "Who Was That Lady?," that likes I simply had to share it with all youse Dino-philes. From the blog pad, "Bella Boho - Stylish Living," where Interior Stylist Miss Tamara Conrad, hangs her hat comes "classic movie interiors: "who was that lady?"

Obviously Miss Conrad is a style maven of interior design, and as you read below, she just happened on to a viewin' of "Who Was That Lady?" on the Antenna T.V. channel and she was totally totally smitten by the "amazing set design that just made me absolutely giddy!"

Likes when I view any Dino-flick, I'm only, always, and ever smitten by spendin' time with our Dino, this chick makes a great point 'bout the absolutely stunnin' set of this swingin' comedy. Next times I view "Who Was That Lady?" likes I am goin' have to spend some time explorin' the Dino-surroundin's.

ilovedinomartin sez our thanks to Miss Tamara Conrad for this most intriguin' photo essay includin' some great shots of our great man. To view this in it's original format, as usual, simply clicks on the tag of this Dino-missive. Keeps lovin' our most beloved Dino o'pallies of mine. Dino-only, DMP

Tuesday, September 25, 2012

classic movie interiors: "who was that lady?"

While stretching this morning, I was treated to an amazing set design that just made me absolutely giddy! Thanks to the awesome oldy but goody Antenna T.V. channel, where I get my nightly Hitchcock fix, I found the apt. home of my dreams!

The 1960's film, "Who Was That Lady" with Dean Martin, Tony Curtis, Janet Leigh, James Whitmore and many, many more. The set designer was James Crowe, and I think him to be brilliant!

Tony and Janet live in a one bedroom apt.; the living area is on one level, the kitchen on another and the bedroom is a loft! They have a huge wall of bookshelves, with a library ladder to boot. Lots of art for a super parlour wall. The decor is the perfect balance of curvy Hollywood Regency, clean modern lines and lots of stylish worldly goods. Take note of the hanging fixtures in the kitchen and loft.

The photos are not great, I cut them from a clip on YouTube, but you get the idea of how classically stylish this home is!

Stairs up to the kitchen, love the white brick wall. Janet is rocking her LBD like nobodies business!

I'm so loving the little metallic Chinese cabinet in the foreground.

Notice the curtain beyond the brick wall? I'm guessing there is a balcony on the other side of it.

An unfortunately fuzzy pic of the bedroom loft, but isn't the lighting fixture stunning?!

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