Friday, September 07, 2012

“Jumpology”: Our Dino and Jerry

Hey pallies, likes I have always always been intrigued and so so desirous of knowin' the history behind many many of our most beloved Dino's poses for the camera. We today through the courtesy of a photo blog tagged "Modernism," we learn the background of that famous pix of Martin and Lewis jumpin'.

In an article posted by Mr. Cosmin Nasui featurin' numerous celebs jumpin', we learn that the photos were snapped by "History’s Most Persuasive Photographer," Mr. Philippe Halsman. As you will read below Halsman did 101 covers from LIFE magazine, among them the one of our Dino and Jerry jumpin' for joy. Halsman often asked his subjects at the end of a shoot to jump for a photo, sayin' “When you ask a person to jump, his attention is mostly directed toward the act of jumping and the mask falls so that the real person appears.”

Well, I dare say that Mr. Halsman indeed captured the real Martin and Lewis in his famous “Jumpology” photograph. And, likes how absolutely fantastic to learn the history behind this absolutely fabulous pose.

Hats off to the pallies at "Modernism," in particular scriber Mr. Cosmin Nasui for sharin' this history with us. To view this in it's original context and to see many other jumpin' pixs, simply clicks on the tag of this Dino-message. How fab to keeps learnin' each and every Dino-detail! Keeps lovin' our Dino pallies! Dino-always, ever, and only, DMP

Celebrities Jumping for History’s Most Persuasive Photographer
Posted by Cosmin Nasui

You may be familiar with the iconic Philippe Halsman image of Salvador Dali in mid-air with flying cats, disembodied arms, and floating furniture. But did you know that the Latvian-born photographer created an immense portfolio of jumping celebrities and public figures?

At 22, Halsman was sentenced to four years imprisonment after his father died of severe head injuries when the two men were on a hiking trip in the Austrian Alps. The evidence against Halsman was circumstantial, and his imprisonment gained international attention. With the support of family friend Albert Einstein, Halsman was released, but ordered to leave Austria. Halsman relocated to France, fleeing to Marseille when France was invaded during World War II, and eventually making his way to New York.

During his time in France, Halsman had become a renowned portrait photographer, and in 1942, after moving to New York, was hired by Life magazine. Halsman’s work for Life was prolific, garnering him a record 101 cover photos.

When photographing , Halsman would often ask his subjects to jump for a photo at the end of the shoot. Most photographers would shy away from such a bold request of their subjects, but Halsman was a master of persuasion.

Halsman called this photographic technique “Jumpology,” stating that “When you ask a person to jump, his attention is mostly directed toward the act of jumping and the mask falls so that the real person appears.”

For more jumping shenanigans, be sure to check out Halsman’s Jump Book (via

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