Sunday, September 23, 2012

Danny G's Sunday Serenade with Dino: "Let Me Know"

Hey pallies! Welcome back! Found us such a pretty & relaxin' tune, "Let Me Know", for this week's Serenade. As a matter o' fact pals...that's exactly the name of Dean's 1966 al b um that I grabbed this little ditty from..."Relaxin'".

Man...Dean REALLY wants this chicalina back!!! You can just tell how sincere and upset he is!!! Such feelin'...such emotion...Dino is just OOZIN' with heartache on this one!!! "Let me know the moment he let's you go...I'll be here to welcome you to my arms". Wow! Now THAT'S some serious croonin'!!!

This one just seems to fit on a rainy, lazy Sunday. And if your feelin' a little bit blue...Just come to Dean & he'll never let you go! Enjoy!

Let me know the moment he lets you go
I'll be here to welcome you to my arms yes
I know how you feel
After a love affair is through
That's how I felt when you left me
I still love you

Let me know the moment you're feeling blue
Come to me and I'll never let you go no
I'll always love you can't you see dear
Let me know the moment that you need me

I'll always love you can't you see dear
Let me know the moment that you need me

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