Wednesday, August 08, 2012

.....with a forward by Dean Martin

Hey pallies, likes it was on November 1, 2009 that ilovedinomartin last spoke of the totally totally rad tome, "Stoned Like A Statue," that's hugest of huge claim to fame is that it features a forward by our most beloved Dino...and likes who better to speaks of bein' stoned that our great man!

Anywho, through the magic of google Dino-'lerts, just came 'cross this very recent post from the blog, "Matou En Peluche," by blogger Samantha Battersby, "an artist and illustrator in Sydney, Australia." Matou En Peluche translates into "stuffed cat" and the stuff of this blog is likes ubber ultra cool , just likes our ubber ultra cool cat big daddy Dino.

So, likes Miss Battersby somehow has got her hands on "Stoned Like A Statue" and has written a very lovely post on it as you will see below, includin' quotin' our Dino from the introduction to the book. Loves that Battersby includes at least a portion of the Dino-reflection, 'cause all that ilovedinomartin has been able to share previously is the pix of the intro that graces the top of this Dino-gram.

So, likes pallies let's groove on the Dino-thoughts scribed below! Miss Samantha has included pixs of several of the pages and if you clicks on the tag of this Dino-report you will be able to see 'em for yourselves.

Hats off to down under dame Miss Samantha Battersby for helpin' her readership grow in their appreciato for our most beloved Dino! Keeps lovin' our Dino! Dino-always, ever, and only, DMP

Stoned Like a Statue
They sure don't make books like this anymore. Published in 1961 and with a forward by Dean Martin, this book is without a doubt something of a treasure. It features artifacts and sculptures ranging from Ancient Egypt, Rome and Greece right up to the 20th Century. These sculptures are, however, all at a "party" and are in various states of intoxication. The cover really explains its premise better than I ever could:

Dean Martin says in the introduction:

Let me say right off that I was skeptical about this project from the beginning. I mean, how could I be party poking fun at something I've known and loved all my life? Something that people think of immediately when they hear my name. How could I join a group out to spoof art?

Ah! Makes me want to rush out and get a heap of Dean Martin and Jerry Lewis movies! Anyway, here are a few of the images from the book that I've selected for your viewing pleasure.


  1. Hey pallie, likes of course ya do Danny-o....what a coup the pallies who put this tome together scored when they likes gots our Dino to intro it! Keeps lovin' our Dino!

  2. . . . And now I'm off to buy this book simply because of who wrote the introduction.

  3. Hey pallie, likes cool for you Miss R.C., but you may have some difficulty findin' it as I believe it has been long long outta print...enjoys the Dino-search! Keeps lovin' our Dino!

  4. Amazon, baby. Amazon has it all.

  5. Fantastic find, DMP!

    Lifelong fan of our Dino that I am, I had never before heard of this book and our Dino's contribution to it.

  6. And...I see that our Dino had a fondness for what I call folk art from Tennessee. Another Dino connection for me! I, too, love that kind of art as my maternal ancestors hail from that part of the country.

  7. Hey pallie, likes R.C. of course, for a price you can always find the Dino-treasures one is lookin' for on the 'net. Keeps lovin' our Dino!

  8. Hey pallie, likes as always Miss AOW, most glad to be of Dino-service..and if you haven't you may want to look at the November 1, 2009 Dino-entry for more on "Stoned." Cool that you keep findin' more Dino-connections! Keeps lovin' our Dino!
