Sunday, August 05, 2012

Danny G's Sunday Serenade with Dino: "They Didn't Believe Me" & "Buttercup A Golden Hair"

Welcome back pals! Gots a great great jam for us this week! "They Didn't Believe Me" is a tune, that as far as I know, has never ever been recorded by our bestest pal. Gotta wonder why pallies, cuz' he duz' it better than anyone else, without a doubt! Fortunately for us pals...There are a few different vids of this one out there in cyber space!

Now I don't know bout' youse...but when I listen to Dean singin' these very flatterin' words, I just can't help but thinks that he has a VERY special lady in mind! Maybe Jeanne...maybe a special friend...Anyway pals, it's someone who REALLY caught Dino's eye!

Man o' man, am I'm lovin' this vid! Dean's havin' so so much fun with this song & is so so entertainin' to watch while he plays!

BTW marks the 50th anniversary of the passin' of Dean's VERY VERY dear friend, Ms. Marilyn Monroe. Now I KNOW he would've wanted us to thinks bout' his VERY special friend on this bea u ti ful summer day! So pals...with keepin' Dino & Marilyn in mind today, I've included an encore presentation of that Bea u ti ful little tune... "Buttercup A Golden Hair". Enjoy!


Ohh when I tell them just how beautiful you are
They didn't believe me they didn't believe me!
Your lips your eyes your cheeks your hair
There in a class beyond compare
You're the prettiest girl I ever did see!
Ooo when I tell them and I'm cert'nly gonna tell them
That I'm the man whose wife someday you'll be
They'll never believe me they'll never believe me
That from this great big world you chose me!

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