Saturday, August 11, 2012

Awesome Dino-pose

Hey pallies, likes I simply was checkin' out a random google Dino-'lert when I just came 'cross this likes totally totally awesome candid shot of our Dino that I simply know that I have never ever seen before, 'cause if I had, I certainly couldn't of forgot this one.

It comes from a tumblr pad tagged, "Talent Only" that is completely crammed with great shots of the beau-ti-ful and famous...and we know that no one is more beau-ti-ful and famous then our most beloved Dino. So likes takes a gander at this stunnin' Dino-pose...does makes me wonder when and where this was shot, who perhaps our Dino was amazin' with, and what our Dino was thinkin' 'bout.

Likes if any of you pallies have a clue to any info on this supremely stellar Dino-pix, ilovedinomartin would muchly likes to know the Dino-history on this amazin' moment in Dino-history. To view this where it was first posted, likes just clicks on the tag of this Dino-message. Dino-awestruck, DMP


  1. Looks like a very classy joint, wherever it is.

  2. Picture looks to be taken on set of Robin & The Seven Hoods. Tux,dishes,& glasses are a giveaway. The dinner scene with Barbara Rush.

  3. DMP,
    Off topic....Just found this a few minutes ago. Have you ever posted it here?

  4. Hey pallie, likes DeansPalley, thanks ever so much for identifyin' the picture....I don't think I woulda ever thought of it bein' on the set of a Dino-flick...very very cool to gain this Dino-knowledge....mucho appreciato! Keeps lovin' our Dino!

  5. Hey pallie, likes very swank indeed Miss AOW...and I have seeen that Dino-clip a number of times...can't remember whether it has been posted at ilovedinomartin before.... Keeps lovin' our Dino!

  6. Hey pallie, likes thanks for the Dino-affirmation Miss AOW! Keeps lovin' our Dino!
