Friday, July 13, 2012

Style Icon: Our Dino Golfin'

Hey pallies, likes so so often we speaks of our most beloved Dino bein' such an enigma, but likes there is one thin' for sure that we can say without a doubt 'bout our our King of Cool....Dino loves playin' himself a round of golf. That Dino-truth was brought back to mind when I recently happened upon 'nother gents blog, "Kempt."

Kempt's mission is likes "keeping an eye on the interesting, scandalous, useful and cutting edge in the world of men’s style, fashion and grooming. So, likes of course no surpise that our great man woulda turns up at this great blog. A recent post at Kempt tagged, "And Now, 18 Photos of Style Icons Spoiling a Perfectly Good Walk," puts the accent on famous entertainers on the green puttin' the little ball in the round hole.

And, likes of course our Dino is featured in this photo essay. Below you will find 4stunnin' poses of our Dino with some of his great pallies...Bing Crosby, Groucho Marx, Arnold Palmer, and Frank Sinatra. Cool that most of the poses have dates and locations noted. And, likes at least of of the pixs has never appeared here at ilovedinomartin before. And, likes as a bonus the Kempt pallies have included that historic commercial that our Dino shot accentin' his line of golf balls.

So, enjoys seein' our Dino in his element....doin' somethin' that he truly loves to do...golfin'! Thanks to the pallies at Kempt for sharin' these Dino-poses with all us Dino-devoted dudes. To view the whole photo essay in it's original format, likes clicks on the tag of this here Dino-prose. Dino-always, ever, and only, DMP

And Now, 18 Photos of Style Icons Spoiling a Perfectly Good Walk

Dean Martin, Bing Crosby and Groucho Marx, Palm Springs, CA, 1954

(Left) Dean Martin, 1968; (Right) Dean Martin at the Jackie Gleason’s Classic tournament, Florida, 1972

Arnold Palmer and Dean Martin at the Bob Hope Desert Classic, Palm Desert, CA, February 6, 1974

Sinatra and Martin, whereabouts unknown



  1. Love that video! I haven't seen it in ages and ages. Thanks, DMP.

    With a hat tip to this site, I will be linking to this in August as I have several golfers who frequent my web site. And some Dino fans, too, of course.

  2. Hey pallie, likes Miss AOW, cool to know you gots some real Dino-pleasure from this postin'...and by all means share the ilovedinomartin posts whenever youse wants...the most important thin' we can do is spread Dino as far and as wide as possible. Keeps lovin' our Dino!
