Thursday, July 19, 2012

Dean Martin's Favorite Drink - Flame of Love

Hey pallies, likes Dino-love takes all shapes and forms....includin' havin' liquid refreshments created in honor of our most beloved Dino. It's been a long time since ilovedinomartin has shared anythin' 'bout the "Flame Of Love" cocktail that Mr. Pepe Ruiz, head barteneder at Chasen's in Beverly Hills, created for our great man.

Seems that our Dino had apparently grown tired of the same Martini over and over again, and asked Pepe for something different. And bowin' to our King of Cool's request Mr. Ruiz created the Flame Of Love.

Well, the pallies "The Great Cocktail Recipes" blog just posted not only the recipe for the Flame of Love, but a outstandin' vid clip of a Mr. Robert Hess of "The Cocktail Spirit" retellin' the Dino-story behind the drink and then instructin' us in the step by step process of mixin' the drink.

Likes I simply gigs that out-of-the-ordinary sorta Dino-devotion and likes just couldn't wait to share it with all you Dino-philes. ilovedinomartin tips our hat to the pallies at "The Great Cocktail Recipes" for creatin' this Dino-post for all their readership....helpin' all of us grow not only in our Dino-knowledge but givin' all us dudes the op to become more like our Dino by sippin' on this Dino-drink. To view this in it's original format, likes just clicks on the tag of this here Dino-report. Keeps lovin' our Dino! Dino-emulatin', DMP

Dean Martin's Favorite Drink - Flame of Love - The Cocktail Spirit with Robert Hess

Now, this is what I call a cocktail. I wouldn't use any old vodka. I would go with a premium vodka like a Ciroc to really get the grape and lemon notes mixed in with this drink's kind of caramelized flavor. Check out the recipe:

2oz Vodka
Splash of Fino Sherry
Caramelized Orange peels
Orange Peel to coat glass


  1. "Drink to me only....that's all I aks...ASK. And I will drink to you"!
    Like Dino once said,"You can't buy happiness...but you can pour it"!

    PS...there's so many steps to making them Flame Of Love drinks that they should classify it as a hobby!

  2. Hey pallie, likes cool that you stopped by to see this very special liquid libations Dino-post. Likes just knew that you woulda totally grooves on it pallie Matty. Thanks for the way cool Dino-patter...and, by all means, keeps lovin' our Dino!

  3. Complicated to make!

    I'd like to try the Flame of Love, but I wouldn't want to make it.

    Great post -- and all news to me.

  4. Hey pallie, likes Miss AOW, you sez it perfectly! Keeps lovin' our Dino!

  5. I was at La Dolce Vita in Beverly Hills tonight (a favorite of Franks) and they just redid their bar menu and they added the Flame Of Love in honor of Dean. I of course had that. There are a lot of steps in making in, but well worth the wait! :)

  6. Hey pallie, likes Miss Verrinder thanks ever so much for stoppin' by to share this wonderful Dino-news with all the pallies gathered here. Wouldn't it be stunnin' if all the top notch bars honored our most beloved Dino in this way. Keeps lovin' our Dino!
