Wednesday, June 27, 2012

seems she was a Dean Martin fan

Hey pallies, likes we all knows that devotion to our most beloved Dino transcends all times, all ages, all cultures....and today's post is simply proof postive of this absolute Dino-truth. From the legal chick blog, "IntLawGrrls" we learn of Mme Soong, native of Shanghai born in 1893 and, "whose good works earned her the title of China's Honorary President."

Seems that a lady who writes for this blog, Miss Diane Marie Amann, had the good fortune while in Shanghai of tourin' Mme Soong's former villa and discovered "her appreciation of finer things"......"the soft carpeting throughout the house, the limousines in the garage, the roses and century-old camphor trees in the garden," and "her collection of record albums (seems she was a Dean Martin fan)."

Likes how totally totally rad is that...this very highly educated and refined Chinese lady Mme Soong loved our Dino! Again, showin' the unique universality of Dino-devotion! Likes I was simply thrilled to find this Dino-mention in the blog post below...'cause it's so so wonderful to honor the international acclaim of our King of Cool.

Kudos to Miss Diane Marie Amann for puttin' us on to this amazin' certainly will make the day of all of us who tags ourselves Dino-holics. Likes to read this in it's original format, likes just clicks on the tag of this Dino-message.
Keeps lovin' our Dino! Dino-always, ever, and only, DMP

Mme Soong

SHANGHAI – It is so easy to get lost in this city, where every subway seems to have a dozen exits, where numbers on many streets seem to follow a nonsequential drummer.
On one day that led to serendipity; to be precise, to the villa at left, once called home by a woman whose good works earned her the title of China's Honorary President.
Her name was Soong Ching Ling.
Born in 1893 to wealthy Shanghai parents who sent her and her 2 sisters to the city's McTyeire School for Girls, then on to their teacher's alma mater, Wesleyan College in Macon, Georgia. On returning home, the 22 year old married a much older man, the Nationalist Chinese leader Sun Yat-sen. At first Soong too was active in the Nationalist movement, but after her husband died and the movement expelled Communists, she broke with its leader – Chiang Kai-shek, husband of her sister Soong Mei Ling – and moved to Moscow.
When war broke out in the late '30s, Soong Ching Ling came home and immersed herself in humanitarian work. The Chinese Defense League she founded exists to this day – known as the China Welfare Institute, it focuses on health care, education, and family and women's issue. A kindergarten and hospital are among the institutions named after her.
Holding titles of Chairman from 1968 to 1972 and President in 1981, Soong Ching Ling is the only woman to have served as head of state in the People's Republic of China.
Her support for post-World War II China is evident at this 2-story whitewashed residence, located at No. 1843 in Huai Hai Zhong Lu, on what's now a busy street in Shanghai's former French Concession.

Her books, like The Struggle for New China (1952), may be found not far from the Stalin Peace Prize awarded her by the Soviet Union (right).
Also evident is her appreciation of finer things – the soft carpeting throughout the house, her collection of record albums (seems she was a Dean Martin fan), the limousines in the garage, the roses and century-old camphor trees in the garden.
For the traveler today no less than for the great woman, who died in 1981, the home is a welcome respite from the hubbub of this metropolis of 23 million.

by Diane Marie Amann at 6:00 AM

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