Tuesday, June 12, 2012

Released This Very Dino-day: Collected Cool

Hey pallies, likes today is the day dudes....June 12, 2012, the day that our most beloved Dino's first box set of Dino-treasures releases to all us expectant Dino-philes. Likes I have my set on order, but my local store ain't sure when it is gonna arrive at their doorstep so likes I'm gonna have to be patient, but likes how hard is that when you have such Dino-cravin's!

Our pallie at Locus Ceruleus Media put us on to the fabulous Dino-presention above that shows the lush 60 page booklet that is such a huge part of this 4 disc Dino-set. I'm sure pallies that that der booklet is by itself gonna be well worth the price of admission let alone the 2 musical discs, the disc of the live Dino-performance at the Cal-Neva Lodge in Lake Tahoe, CA, on July 27, 1962, and the fab DVD of our Dino live at London's Apollo Victoria theatre show in 1983.

Woulda loves to hear from each and every one of you Dino-holics once you have got your hot little hands on this treasure trove of Dino-devotion. Likes I am totally psyched by this newest of new Dino-releases and thrill to know that the Dino-revolution is now if full tilt with no end is sight to the growin' and glowin' Dino-mania all 'round the Dino-globe. Likes keeps lovin' our most beloved Dino! Dino-always, only, and ever, DMP


  1. This is the first thing that I'm going to buy when I get my first paycheck from my first ever job . . . I just have to wait until next Friday to do so. There's just no way I cannot not get this; it just ain't happenin'.

  2. Hey pallie, likes Miss R.C. what a wonderful way to remember your first paycheck from your first job...this Dino-investment will pay dividends for your entire life. Write when you gets your set pallie! Keeps lovin' our Dino!
