Friday, June 22, 2012

One of my favourite exhibits was a half smoked fag that was left in an ash tray by Dean Martin.

Hey pallies, likes her tag is Barbara Shooter, and her travelin' blog is self-titled,"Barbara In Cambodia. The Peking to Paris Rally. Adventures in a Land Rover." From a tag likes that you certainly knows that this chick gets 'round. And, likes in today's Dino-post we find Miss Barbara hangin' 'round Tennessee,includin' Elvis' Graceland and Miss Loretta Lynn's plantation house as well.

Likes was intrigued when Shooter shared visitin' the "massive museum on the ranch devoted to all things Loretta." Amid all the Loretta memorabilia, Miss Barbara pontificates that "One of my favourite exhibits was a half smoked fag that was left in an ash tray by Dean Martin." Likes how interestin' of all the artifacts in Miss Lynn's collection, Miss Barbara mention's our Dino's smoke.

You just never know where our Dino is gonna turns up next, and Miss Loretta was obviously so so smitten by our Dino and wanted to keep her own little bit of Dino-rememberance! Hats off to Miss Barbara Shooter for sharin' this most most unique Dino-sightin' with all her readership. To view this in it's original format, likes just clicks on the tag of this here Dino-gram. Dino-always, ever, and only, DMP

btw, was just thinkin' pallies, likes what Dino-treasure may Miss Barbara uncovered at Elvis' estate...after all likes we know how much Elvis loved our Dino!

We were woken at Loretta's by the sound of trees being hammered all around us. We thought that some lumberjacks had started working and hadn't noticed we were there. It turned out to be several woodpeckers tapping the hell out of the trees above us. We went to see Loretta; her plantation house is gorgeous but some of the ornamentation is a little unnecessary, I feel. There is a massive museum on the ranch devoted to all things Loretta. It is like a giant version of the, sadly now defunct, Liberace museum that used to be in Los Vegas. She has obviously never had a good clear out and a trip to the dump. Every item of clothing ever worn, not just by her but by her family too is there, along with 50 million other items she has owned or been given. One of my favourite exhibits was a half smoked fag that was left in an ash tray by Dean Martin. Even her children's school reports were on display (very average, more to be hidden away, I think), along with old toys and just countless, totally random things. I am now the owner of a DVD of her bio pic signed by Loretta herself, WITH LOVE!! Loretta, I love you too!