Friday, June 01, 2012

On This Day In Dino-history: June 1, 2004

Hey pallies, likes thanks to the historical prowess of our pallie Mark over at his pad, "popculturefanboy," we knows that today, June 1, is 'nother special day in Dino-history. As Mark reports below, it was on this date in 2004 that EMI Capitol released the best sellin' al-b-um in all of Dino-history...."DINO: The Essential Dean Martin."

This Dino-disc quickly went platinum with a double disc ver-si-on honorin' this Dino-achievement bein' released in 2005, and a re-issue released in 2011 that contains 6 more tunes then the 30 in the original edition. How cool to be able to learn and share all these fabulous Dino-dates!

Kudos to our pallie Mark for keepin' up to date on Dino-musical-history. To view this in it's orgininal format, likes just clicks on the tag of this here Dino-gram. Keeps lovin' our Dino! Dino-studyin', DMP

2004 - EMI Capitol releases Dean Martin's compilation CD "Dino: The Essential Dean Martin" that contains 30 of Martin’s hits from both his Capitol Records (1949-1961) and Reprise Records (1960-1969) catalog


  1. Dino is chuckling in heaven over this.

  2. Hey pallie, likes you're prob correct Miss AOW...not that many stars that are gettin' more devotees after they leave the planet....but that's our most beloved Dino!
