Wednesday, June 06, 2012

The album I'm listening to non-stop is: Dino, Dean Martin hits!

Hey pallies, likes today is the day before THE DAY THAT COOLNESS CAME TO EARTH (otherwise known as the date of our most beloved Dino's birth, and on this day before the great day, I am pleased as punch to share with all of you dudes 'bout yet 'nother great youth oriented musican who has recently boldly broadcast they deep, pure, and true devotion to our Dino.

From the pages of Glamour Mag's entertainment section, "Obsessed what's entertaining us this second," comes a interview conducted by Miss Anna Moeslein with lead singer of The Backstreet Boys Mr. Brian Littrell. The interview includes some serious patter 'bout Mr. Littrell's heart disease and his work on a new documentary, " The Heart of the Matter," but likes also includes Bri's sharin' of his "current obsessions."

Well, likes pallies when pop singer Bri was quired 'bout which al-b-um he is "listening to non-stop," Littrell proudly proclaimed "Dino, Dean Martin hits!" My hunch is pallies, that Mr. Littrell is referrin' to that hugely popular al-b-um, "DINO: The Essential Dean Martin."

Likes, likes how amazin'ly Dino-wonderful is that dude. Likes to know that Backstreet Boys Bri is a digger of our Dino is likes huge. To know that our Dino has captured Littrell's ear is simply the coolest dudes! And, likes when fans of The Backstreet Boys learns that their boy Brian digs our Dino will surely bring many many more to knowin', lovin', and honorin' our great man!

ilovedinomartin sends out kudos to Miss Anna Moeslein and the pallies at Glamour Mag for sharin' this amazin' news with their readership. And, this little Dino-blog says Dino-hearted thanks to Mr. Brian Littrell for sharin' his heart for Dino with the known world! To view this in it's original format, just clicks on the tag of this here Dino-message. Dino-lovin' forever, DMP

The Backstreet Boys' Brian Littrell Opens Up To Us About Living With a Heart Disease, His Current Obsessions, and More

by Anna Moeslein

I have a very important question to ask, ladies—Backstreet Boys or *NSYNC?

For me, this is such an easy answer—The Backstreet Boys. Justin Timberlake and his crew are fine and dandy, but my heart belonged (OK, still belongs) to Brian Littrell. BSB was the first band I ever saw in concert, and I still remember standing on my seat in the stadium with my disposable camera, screaming at the top of my lungs.

So, of course, I jumped at the chance to talk with Brian about his involvement in the new documentary, The Heart of the Matter, which is available on PBS nationwide starting today. The program takes a look a congenital heart disease (CHD) and examines the causes, treatments, and legislative action that can be taken to improve the lives of kids and adults who have CHD.

“This documentary is a must see for all to educate and or cope with CHD," Brian says. "I was born with a congenital heart defect and had no idea that it was the number one birth defect in the world. Backstreet Boys music is known all around the globe so it is a wonderful opportunity to be able to share my story and create awareness about CHD.”
And, of course, being the superfan that I am, I had to ask Brain about his current obsessions...

Source: via Backstreet Boys on Pinterest

The album I'm listening to non-stop is: Dino, Dean Martin hits!

The book I'm obsessed with is: I Am Wishes Fulfilled by Dr.Wayne Dyer

The meal I'm obsessed with is: Anything my wife cooks.

The cocktail I'm obsessed with is: Lemon Drop Martini made with
Belvedere vodka.

The website I'm obsessed with is:

The item in my closet I'm obsessed with is: My colorful sneakers!

The show I'm obsessed with watching is: Anything on ESPN

The next time I have some time to myself, I am going to: Take my family to the beach!

My childhood bedroom was: It was filled with Boys II Men posters.

Will you check out Brian's new documentary? And it's time to settle this all-too-important debate, Team BSB or *NSYNC?

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