Friday, May 18, 2012

You wish you were that cool.

Hey pallies, likes the web is an unendin' source of deep, pure, and true devotion to our Dino and likes all one has to do is be willin' to do some searchin' to find more and more glorious Dino-appeciato. Case in point, yesterday I decided to put the words Dean Martin and Smoking into the google blog engine and likes I came 'cross the followin' wondrous'y wise thoughts on our most beloved Dino.

From the site "TV Tropes And Idioms," (the pad explains that "Tropes are devices and conventions that a writer can reasonably rely on as being present in the audience members' minds and expectations), from an unknown scriber, comes a relatively brief but boldly prsented piece of Dino-homagin' featurin' that oh so true Dino-desire, " You wish you were that cool," followed up with the Dino-reflection, "He didn't have to invoke the rule; he was just cool."

Likes pallies what I digs the mostest 'bout this particular Dino-devotion is that it includes likes two dozen very very evocative and oh so provocative phrases of simply delightful Dino-descriptions such as...."Cool Old Guy: His coolness only increased with age." Likes dudes you are simply gonna wants to takes to the time to embrace all of 'em for your Dino-edification.

Today's Dino-find simply gives me more and more Dino-desire to keeps on doin' more and more 'net searchin' to shares with all youse Dino-philes gathered here at ilovedinomartin. Hats off to the pallies at "TV Tropes And Idioms" for addin' to all us pallies Dino-passion. Keeps lovin' our Dino! Dino-always, only, and ever, DMP

You wish you were that cool.

Dean Martin (1917-1995; born Dino Paul Crocetti) was a singer, actor, comedian, vice-president of the Rat Pack, and the epitome of cool. He didn't have to invoke the rule; he was just cool.

He was a non-descript singer with a pretty good East Coast reputation until 1946, when he met and teamed up with Jerry Lewis. They would become the hottest comedy team in America over the next ten years. It was universally accepted that Lewis was the better talent and that he carried Martin, but Lewis consistently praised Martin's work and said the team was "50-50".

The team broke up mostly because Martin wanted to do some serious acting. No one thought much of his chances, but he quickly knocked out three impressive performances: The Young Lions (1957), Some Came Running (1958), and Rio Bravo (1959). He then followed those up with the memorable Ocean's Eleven in 1960.

All the while he was acting, he was also recording. Once he settled on his trademark "crooning" style, he became one of the most beloved singers in America. "Ain't That a Kick in the Head", which Dino first performed in the original Ocean's Eleven, is today the emblematic song of the Rat Pack period. (Want proof? It was used in a Budweiser Super Bowl commercial.) He's also well known for "That's Amore" and "Everybody Loves Somebody".

During the Rat Pack years and subsequently, Dino was rarely seen without a lowball glass (his Vanity License Plate read "DRUNKY"). Most (but not all) of the time though, he was drinking apple juice. Likewise, while his best friend, Frank Sinatra, caroused and tomcatted, Dino went home every night to his wife, Jeanne. When they divorced in 1973, she said simply, "He was home every night."

Most tropers of a certain age know him as the host of the Dean Martin Show (NBC, 1965-1974) and the Dean Martin Celebrity Roasts (also NBC, 1975-1984).

It says above that Dino died in 1995, but he really died on March 21, 1987, when his son Dean Paul (who had done a little singing and acting himself) was killed when his California Air National Guard jet crashed. Dino was never the same. Sinatra tried to coax him back on the road — the "Together Again Tour", 30 shows in 40 days. Dino hung in for one week, then flew home. In 1993, the lifelong smoker was diagnosed with lung cancer, and made few public appearances afterward. Jeanne was at his side till the end.


His career provides examples of:
•Badass Baritone: In Ocean's Eleven, Robin and the Seven Hoods and many more.
•Big Brother Instinct: Martin was rather protective of Lewis during their years as a team. Once he threw a mobster who was threatening Lewis into a shelf of glasses behind the bar they were sitting at.
•Claustrophobia: He had it.
•Comedic Sociopathy: A significant part of his act with Lewis.
•Cool Old Guy: His coolness only increased with age.
•Eloquent In My Native Tongue: He spoke only Italian until starting school and was the target of frequent ridicule for his broken English.
•The Eponymous Show: Also The Eponymous Celebrity Roasts.
•Gentleman Thief: In Ocean's Eleven.
•Gratuitous Italian: Played straight in that he often used Italian words and phrases. Averted in that he really did speak Italian.
•Improv: An essential part of his nightclub act with Lewis.
•The Lancer: To whatever character Frank Sinatra was playing when they appeared in a film together.
•Latin Lover: Without the dancing, typically.
•The Mafia: Had various encounters with them, friendly and otherwise, while touring with Lewis.
•My Name Is Not Durwood: Martin loved to do this purposefully with Lewis' last name. His favorite variations were Lucas, Loomis, Lousy and Looseleaf.
•Neighbourhood Friendly Gangsters: His character in Robin and the Seven Hoods.
•Playing Drunk: Became his shtick after Martin and Lewis broke up.
•Rat Pack
•Screw the Rules, I Have Connections!: His most important connection was probably Frank Sinatra.
•Smoking Is Cool
•Smoking Is Glamorous
•Stage Names: First "Dino Martini," then, at his bandleader's suggestion, Dean Martin.
•Straight Man: To Jerry Lewis when they were an act.
•Vanity License Plate: "DRUNKY"
•Variety Show: The Dean Martin Show and Colgate Comedy Hour.


  1. Nobody ever was or ever will be as cool as our Dino!

  2. Hey, what a wonderful photo, pallie! Always keep on lovin' the King of Cool. Have a good week, my friend. See you!

  3. Hey pallie, likes Miss AOW...that is absolutely the total total Dino-truth! Keeps lovin' our Dino!

  4. Hey pallie, likes Kinezoe dude, likes the truth man is that I always thinks of you when I see that Dino-pose...very very Dino-wonderful indeed! Keeps lovin' our Dino and thanks ever so much for droppin' by and droppin' some Dino-patter!
