Tuesday, May 08, 2012

Dino as Matt Helm is casual, calm and he's collecting every man's dream!!

Hey pallies, likes I gotta say that I am as pleased as punch to share with you today's Dino-devotion from "Pellucidar Offerings 4." Since I don't likes know how to describe this blog, I went to our pallies at Wiki to see what they had to say 'bout Pellucidar..."Pellucidar is a fictional Hollow Earth milieu invented by Tarzan creator Edgar Rice Burroughs for a series of action adventure stories. That makes sense 'cause as I perused the blog I would that accent to definitely be on action and adventure, 'specially monster style, whether it be in comic book or flick form.

A pallie named Stendek holds forth at "Pellucidar Offerings 4" and he has offered up a very very cool helpin' of action and adventure Dino-style in his pictorial review of Helmer numero uno, "The Silencers." In his openin' lines Stendek readily admits that this Dino-feature is a bit out of the norm for his blog sayin'....

"The Silencers" is not really a 'monster movie', but it looks fantastic, has hot music, is crazy, cool, has psychotronic elements and Dean Martin! What else do you want or need? And besides all that, we needed some color, damnit! Dino as Matt Helm is casual, calm and he's collecting every man's dream!!"

Obviously Stendek is a true knower and lover of our most beloved Dino, and he has assembled a stunnin' set of stills from "The Silencers" along with appropriate groovin' comments, concludin' his insightful remarks sayin' "Matt Helm rocks!!!"

And, gotta say pallies, likes I was so so surprised and oh so delighted when I read the followin' shout out for our humble little ilovedinomartin Dino-pad...."For anything and everything else you want to know about Dean Martin, please head on over to our new pal's pad, I Love Dino Martin!!!" Likes how very very kind of Stendek to send pallies our way.

ilovedinomartin sends out our deepest of the deep Dino-appreciato to our pallie Stendek for puttin' the accent on our great man in his great flick, "The Silencers." Man, we certainly hope likes that this will only be the first of many Dino-pictorial-reviews that you will share with all your devoted readers. Certainly Stendek will help to draw many more pallies into the Dino-direction of cool. To view this in it's original format, likes just clicks on the tag of this here Dino-message. Dino-ever, always, and only, DMP

Silencers Stills With Victor Buono Dean Martin & Stella Stevens

"The Silencers" is not really a 'monster movie', but it looks fantastic, has hot music, is crazy, cool, has psychotronic elements and Dean Martin! What else do you want or need? And besides all that, we needed some color, damnit! Dino as Matt Helm is casual, calm and he's collecting every man's dream!! For anything and everything else you want to know about Dean Martin, please head on over to our new pal's pad, I Love Dino Martin!!! In the meantime, here's the lowdown on tonight's feature! Forgive me if I didn't use your favorite picture, this movie just had too many shots to choose from!!

Cyd Charrise sings the title song from "The Silencers"!! Well, actually Vicki Carr is the one who is singing. Cyd mimes the title song from "The Silencers!" The music was written by Elmer Berstein and the lyrics were written by Mack David!!

There's a series of short pop standards sung by Dino in this opening dream sequence with parody lyrics provided by Herbert Baker. It's like, you know, "Like Dreamsville, Man!" (Not to be confused with the terrific blog up there in the links by the same name!)

Dino and the stunning Daliah Lavi as Tina, and/or Cowboy at the Slaymate club and we get the treat of hearing "Santiago" by Sarita played by Cyd and/or Vicki, again written by Berstein and David!

A pensive moment with Dino and Tina!

Man, look at Matt Helm go into action, chop, chop! Take that sucker!! Custom cars in the movie including Matt's station wagon courtesy of The real Boss, George Barris!!!

Stella Stevens looks fantastic through the whole movie. She's gorgeous and hilarious and has a range of facial expressions beyond belief. I captured a ton of photos and she looks great in all of them, no matter what she's doing!! Her and Dean work great together!

The "backward gun trick" is funny, and even though they do it like four or five times in a row, you'll laugh every time!!

If Victor Buono had just a little more makeup on, he would have been a lot scarier! Oh, man, what a drag, Dino got dirty!!!

Matt Helm rocks!!! Now we gotta try and find a copy of "The Ambushers!"


  1. Really cool pics, I dig Matt Helm the most, I think i saw most of those James Bond flicks but Matt Helm was better and so cool

  2. Hey pallie, likes Deanager Levi, likes I can always count on our Dino dude Levi to leaves some patter on Helmer posts...and likes of course you know man that I also "dig Matt Helm the most." Keeps lovin' our Dino!
