Friday, May 25, 2012

Dino-art by Miss Ellie

Hey pallies, likes this is so so cool. Our pallie Miss Ellie just made a comment on a recent Dino-post and that gots me wonderin' if by chance she had posted any new Dino-devotion at her blog pad "Randomness." Well as I mosseyed on over and Dino-low and Dino-behold that our youthful Dino-holic pallie is also an artiste!

And, likes below you will get to view two of her recent Dino-creations. They both are way cool, but the first of the pair is just so so hip, cool, and randy in the Dino-department! Likes I loves to read how Miss Ellie spins the Dino-tunes as she is creatin' her Dino-art!

Kudos to our buddin' artistic Dino-phile Miss Ellie for showin' her deep, pure, and true Dino-devotion with such such Dino-creativity! To view her Dino-efforts as they appear on her blog, likes just clicks on the tag of this Dino-gram. Dino-psyched, DMP

My Artwork

I love art so much! I had a blast creating my favorite celebrities. I love listening to music, when I draw. Of course, when I made my Dino drawings I put on his albums. Dino's voice always puts a smile on my face. I'm no professional, but I enjoy the process of creating art. I found several wallpaper images online for the backgrounds. I'm working on more pieces. Art brings joy to my life.

“Art washes away from the soul the dust of everyday life.” - Pablo Picasso



  1. Love that first one! Nicely done.

  2. Aww! Thank you for posting my artwork. I really appreciate your kind comments. Have a great weekend! :)

  3. Hey pallie, likes I said Miss AOW, the first Dino-creation is just so so groovy...just likes our Dino! Keeps lovin' our most beloved Dino!

  4. Hey pallie, likes Miss Ellie, of course you are most welcome...just sorry that I didn't see it sooner to share it sooner. Your devotion to our Dino shines through in your Dino-creativity. Keeps lovin' our Dino!

  5. Thanks again. You all made my day! HaHa! And no worries about the post. I might be working on some more Dino art soon. It's all in good fun. :)

  6. Hey pallie, likes when you does some more Dino-creativity, likes please send us a so lookin' forward to seein' you use your talents to homage our most beloved Dino! Keeps lovin' our lovable Dino!
