Tuesday, May 22, 2012

Dean would stumble down a flight of stairs, cigarette in hand (later he would slide down a fireman’s pole), sing a lively standard, tell a joke or two

Hey pallies, likes lest we think that all the great days in Dino-history are in the past, this very very Dino-day is of HUGE import to all of us that so so loves our most beloved Dino. On this very day, May 22, 2012 we celebrate the release of the first batch of full episodes of the glorious Dino-show.... "Dean Martin Variety Show - UNCUT!"

Likes I have been waitin' with bated breath to gets my Dino-thrist slacked on this 3 DVD release and today is the day dudes....although it appears that I am gonna have to wait for Friday to arrive when the set is scheduled to be delivered to my local store.

So, likes while I wait for my first opportunity to view 'em in their total Dino-glory, I shares with you 'nother review of the collection with you. This time we visit with the pallies at "MovieGazetteOnline.com," where editor-in-chief Miss Rebecca Wright has assembled her Dino-thoughts on this collection. Wright has written a credible review of the content on the shows, but for some reason has failed to mention that solo numbers that our Dino performs in each episode...which is of the upmost importance to this Dino-phile.

ilovedinomartin sez thanks to Miss Rebecca Wright and her pad "MovieGazetteOnline.com" for puttin' the accent on this most important of Dino-releases encouragin' her readership to partake of this 'citin' Dino-release. To read this in it's original format, likes just clicks on the tag of this here Dino-gram. Dino-always, ever, and only, DMP

DVD Review: The Dean Martin Variety Show – Uncut

Written by Rebecca Wright • May 20, 2012

Having run for nine seasons, The Dean Martin Show was one of the most popular shows on television during its 1965-1974 run. Broadcast during a time of great political upheaval, as war raged in Vietnam, Dean Martin’s relaxed, laid back attitude seemed to be a breath of fresh air for both his audience and his guests. Initially, Martin hadn’t wanted to commit to a weekly series. Therefore, when NBC came to him with an offer, his contract demands were deliberately outrageous. Along with a high salary, Martin would only show up for tapings. Much to Martin’s surprise, the network agreed. Given Dean’s lack of rehearsal, screw-ups flubs happened, but he laughed them off, joking about his inability to read cue cards, etc.

Over the years, DVD’s have been released containing clips of the 264 shows, some resulting in lawsuits from NBC Universal claiming copyright infringement. Now, for the first time, Time Life has released The Dean Martin Variety Show: Uncut; a three DVD set containing six uncut (with one exception, which I’ll discuss later) episodes.

Despite the spontaneous look and feel of things, The Dean Martin Show had a fairly predictable structure. After the opening bars of "Everybody Loves Somebody,"—a 1964 hit for Martin, that actually knocked The Beatles' "I Wanna Hold Your Hand" out of Number #1 spot on the pop charts—Dean would stumble down a flight of stairs, cigarette in hand (later he would slide down a fireman’s pole), sing a lively standard, tell a joke or two, and introduce that night’s guests. Every musical guest performed a solo, then a duet with Dean. If the guest wasn’t a singer, they’d chat with Dean and do a skit of some sort. From there, nearly every show would find Dean moving to his “music room” where he would peek into a closet where an unscheduled guest would make a cameo. Apparently, Dean never knew who was behind the door, so it was always a fun surprise. From there, he would leap Ken Lane's piano to knock off a few song parodies, and then sing a romantic standard. The show ended with a big production number, Dean thanking viewers, and reminding them to “keep those cards and letters coming in."

The episodes included on The Dean Martin Variety Show are as follows:

Show #0025 / Original Air Date: March 3, 1966

Legendary comedian Sid Caesar is on hand to provide some laughs. I’ve never been the biggest Sid Caesar fan, but there’s no denying that the man has tremendous talent. Musical guest Marguerite Piazza, Sid Caesar’s co-star on Your Show of Shows, sings a lovely rendition of “Come Back to Sorrento” and joins Dean for “Santa Lucia.” Sultry singer, entertainer Abbe Lane (ex-wife of bandleader Xavier Cugat) slinks across the stage performing, “Whatever Lola Wants” with a troupe of dancers. Abbe also joins Sid and Dean for a lighthearted version of “Real Live Girl.” The Letterman to sing a West Side Story Medley, and comedian George Gobel (a frequent guest on a lot of ‘60s variety television) provides a comedy spot. Looking at it today, the strangest segment of the show has to be strongman act, David & Goliath. Let’s just say I’m not sure it would sit well with today’s network advertisers…

Show #0718 / Original Airdate: January 12, 1967

The then popular comedy team of Allen & Rossi provides some hearty laughs; Steve Rossi who also had a career as a singer, gets the chance to sing, “My Lonely Room.” A young Jackie Mason performs a comedy routine. Singer/entertainer Leslie Uggams performs a couple of Gershwin tunes, one number, “Fascinating Rhythm Medley,” features Les Brown’s famous drummer, Jack Sperling. Vaudevillian and character actor Eddie Foy Jr., performs a dance routine with Barbra Perry. Pat Boone is the surprise guest in the closet when Dean moves to his music room.

Show #0811 / Original Air Date: November 16, 1967

Dancer Cyd Charisse performs a couple of routines. The nice surprise for me is the appearance of Buddy Ebsen. I knew him well from Breakfast at Tiffany’s, The Beverly Hillbillies, and Barnaby Jones, but was less familiar with his prowess as a dancer. He performs an impressive tap dance here. Semi-regular Dom Deluise appears in a couple of skits; his appearances are always memorable. One of Dean’s favorite singing partners, Barbara McNair joins in the fun for three songs, and a memorable showbiz finale. Also, this episode marks comedian Albert T. Berry’s television debut, and singer/actor Phil Harris is the special guest in the closet.

Show #0815 / Original Air Date: December 14, 1967

The legendary Bob Newhart performs his classic sketch “Defusing a Bomb.” If you’re a fan of comedy, this routine is worth the price of the DVD set alone. And Dom Deluise returns as a Superman wannabe. While Caterina Valente shows off a variety of talents—dancing, comedy, Terpsichore—while comedian Guy Marks (a Dean Martin favorite), does his interpretation of “Volare.”

Show #0820 / Original Air Date: January 25, 1968

Where else can you have the legendary Orson Welles doing a reading from Shakespeare’s The Merchant of Venice, and doing a magic act within minutes of each other? Frequent guest, entertainer, Joey Heatherton sings a couple of unspectacular songs, but looks great doing it, while Bob Melvin and Professor Backwards occupy the comedy spots. Country legend Buck Owens performs “How Long Will My Baby Be Gone,” and “I’ve Got a Tiger by the Tail,” with Dean.

To their credit, Time-Life admits that one duet between Buck Owens and Dean is not included, as the original master tape was destroyed. Given the age of the tapes, and the fact that no one even considered that viewers might one day have their own home video libraries, it’s entirely understandable.

Show #623 / Original Airdate: February 25, 1971

Given the fact that The Golddiggers and The Dingaling Sisters are featured prominently here, fans of The Dean Martin Show May find this episode the jewel of the three disc set. The Dingaling Sisters perform a spirited version of “Funky Chicken,” while The Golddiggers join Dean for the rousing “Welcome to My World” finale, which features wonderful harmonizing on “I Could Write a Book,” “Just Friends,” and “It’s Easy to Remember”. Comics Jackie Vernon and Fred Smoot provide plenty of laughs, while Broadway legend Zero Mostel is just plain zany. Show regular Kay Medford stops by and “interrupts” things, and Tommy Tune shows off his dancing skills. If that weren’t enough, Robert Wagner is the special guest in the closet.

No matter the episode, The Dean Martin Show unfurls like a subtle parody of the format. It was (and is) obvious that Dean was reading most of his lines from cue cards (he regularly made jokes about doing so), no doubt largely due to his refusal to rehearse. No matter though, there was something about Dean’s devil-may-care attitude that made him seem accessible. Flub a line? Not a problem. Dino would just grin and move on; this was a guy comfortable in his own skin.

It’s great to see these six uncut episodes available on DVD. A time capsule of a bygone era, The Dean Martin Show was one of the best when it came to the variety format. Over nine seasons, and 264 episodes, nearly everyone who was anyone in show business wanted to appear on television with Dean Martin. Hopefully, we will be given the chance to see more complete episodes soon.

These presentations won’t blow you away. As you might expect with a forty-plus year-old show that didn’t expect to be seen beyond its original airing, colors are somewhat washed out, and scratches are evident from time to time. Even so, no of this should be too much of a concern for fans who have been waiting years for uncut episodes of this show.

No special features are available.


  1. Can't WAIT!!!! Gonna start lookin' tomorrow! Thanks for the reminder pallie!!!

  2. Hey pallie, no problemo Danny-o...lets us know when your Dino-search leads you to the Dino-treasure. Keeps lovin' our Dino!
    btw, saw that Amazon has a fab price on the set.

  3. One of the reasons that our Dino's television show was such a success: he was a wonderful and considerate host to his guests. Our Dino knew how to give the limelight over to someone else and make that person feel right at home.

    Of course, I didn't pay much attention to those guests -- unless our Dino was appearing with them at the same moment on the screen.

  4. Hey pallie, likes Miss AOW both of dem thoughts are totally totally on the Dino-mark....and likes of course I simply must concur with both of 'em. Keeps lovin' our Dino!

  5. Great post! And well said, Miss AOW! Dino always puts a smile on my face! Hope everyone is doing well. Have a good one, folks! :)

  6. Ordered mine last night from Amazon. Can't wait!

  7. Hey pallie, likes Miss Ellie thanks for chimin' in...always great to hear from 'nother true Dino-devotee...keeps lovin' our Dino!

  8. Hey pallie, likes great to hear Danny-o, will have to exchange notes after we does us some Dino-viewin'. Keeps lovin' our Dino!

  9. This is a great review and very informative.
    I`m looking forward so much to seeing these shows, for me every season of The Dean Martin Show was great and every season was a little different.
    It`s great news one of the episodes will feature The Golddiggers and a Welcome to my World Medley.
    Something the Guthy Renker and previous Time Life releases were unable to give us.
    I guess this would be my favourite season of The Dean Martin Show.
    The first season started off with Dean just singing a song and playing host.
    The last season, it was obvious Dean was getting tired and I felt the show had lost some of it`s magic.
    But in this collection we will be seeing Dean at his best, I can`t wait :)

  10. Hey pallie, likes Ky, I would agree with your Dino-ruminations...does wish that this reviewer founda specially told us the solo numbers that our most beloved Dino performs. I have a real preference for the later years of the Dino-show 'cause our great man just became hipper, cooler, and ever more randy with each passin' day. Keeps lovin' our Dino!
