Sunday, May 06, 2012

Danny G.'s Sunday Serenade with Dino: "Once In A While"

Welcome back pals o mine! Found us a nice & easy type tune for this week's Serenade. I first heard this bea u ti ful little number on Dean's 1957 "Pretty Baby" al b um.

"Once In A While" is sure to de-stress & completely de-tox your system! Man o man, sometimes pallies...I just feel like sittin' back & relaxin with a glass (or two) of vino and some cool cool swoonin' from our bestest pal.

Nuthin' better to wash away the day's "agita" or cap off a perfect night! I think we ALL could use a break from the world's headaches...Once In A While. Enjoy.

Once in a while give a thought to me once in a while
Once in a while will you try to give one little thought to me
Though someone else may be nearer your heart
Once in a while will you dream of the moment I shared with you
Moments before we two drifted apart

In love's smoldering ember one spark may remain
If love still can remember, the spark may burn again
I know that I'd be contented with yesterday's memories
Knowing you think of me once in a while

In love's smoldering ember one spark may remain
If love still can remember, the spark may burn again
I know that I'd be contented with yesterday's memories
Knowing you think of me once in a while

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