Tuesday, April 03, 2012

On This Day In Dino-history: April 3, 1949

Hey pallies, likes was just perusin' Dino-lerts sent out by the pallies at google, when I came 'cross this little gem of a note 'bout 'nother great day in Dino-history. Likes from the pallies at Patch, in this case "BethelPatch," of Bethel, CT., by guest editor Miss Christine Rose comes the news that it was on this very day, April 3, in the year of 1949 that our most beloved Dino and his partner Jerry debuted on the NBC Radio Netwark with their self-tagged programme, the "Martin and Lewis Show."

Likes always so so pleased to learn 'nother great historic date in the life and times of our great man. ilovedinomartin sez our thanks to our pallies at Patch 'specially Miss Rose for sharin' this Dino-note with the world. To view this in it's original format, likes just clicks on the tag of these here Dino-words.

Am includin' a couple of cool pixs of our Dino and Jerry in front of the mic and a couple of youtube vids from the radio programme....one from 1952 when Miss Marilyn Monroe starred with the boys, and 'nother of an outtake from the show where our Dino flubs up a line durin' the recordin' of the show and then he and Jerry take off into sorts of fun patter 'tween 'em. Keeps lovin' our Dino...'cause truly, only Dino matters! Dino-ever and always, DMP

1949 - Dean Martin and Jerry Lewis debuted on radio on the "Martin and Lewis Show". The NBC program ran until 1952.

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