Monday, March 12, 2012

That’s Amore, says Flat Ruthie in Steubenville OH

Hey pallies, likes WHOA! pallies WHOA! I can hardly believe our great Dino-fortune to 'gain this very Dino-day be returnin' to our most beloved Dino's roots in Steubenville, Ohio....and what such an uniquely unique way of spreadin' some Dino-love dudes! Likes first we had grade school youngen's mailin' Flat Stanley all over the globe, now we have a chick tagged Flat Ruthie makin' the scene in all sorts of groovy places...includin' Dino-mecca!

From the blog "Cardboard Me Travels," usin' the bloggin' creativity of "art teacher, photographer, knitter, reader, cook, poet, and filmmaker" extraordinare Miss Ruth Henricks we finds Miss Flat Ruthie has made pilgrimage to our Dino's hometown, Stu-ville and reports on it in Henricks post, "That’s Amore, says Flat Ruthie in Steubenville OH."

As you will note Miss Flat Ruthie poses with the great historical marker in Stu-ville honorin' our great man. Likes how fun to have Miss Flat Ruthie payin' homage to our Dino! Likes I finds this just so so heartwarmin' to have Miss Flat Ruthie learnin' her Dino-history likes first hand in our Dino's first town!

Kudos to Miss Ruth Henricks for usin' her amazin' talents to honor our Dino in this way. Sure hopin' that the students in her charge will be growin' in knowin', lovin', and honorin' our Dino. Likes this is certainly one of the funnest Dino-posts ever shared here at ilovedinomartin. To view this in it's original format, likes clicks on the tag of this Dino-gram. Dino-psyched, DMP

That’s Amore, says Flat Ruthie in Steubenville OH

Posted on March 10, 2012 by rutheh

The days of variety shows seem passed but maybe you remember Dean Martin, glass in hand.

Early in the morning and a little hard to read. So here is the inscription from the Ohio Historical Marker Database

One of the most famous entertainers of the 20th century, Dean Martin was born Dino Crocetti in Steubenville in 1917, the son of Italian immigrants. At age 16 he entered the steel mills and later boxed under the name of “Kid Crochet.” He began his singing career in 1941, and in 1946 teamed up with Jerry Lewis in a comedic partnership that spanned ten years on stage, radio, and television. His trademark crooning style and sentimental ballads — including “That’s Amore,” “Memories Are Made Of This,” “Volare,” and “Everybody Loves Somebody Sometime” — were standards of 1950s and 1960s popular music. Martin continued his multifaceted career as part of Frank Sinatra’s “Ratpack” Las Vegas nightclub act (1960-1970). He furnished music and romantic interest for over fifty films, and continued performing into the early 1990s. He died in 1995 in Los Angeles

Almost nine million views of Dean Martin singing That’s Amore on youtube!

Thanks to Mark (on the road), for the Ohio History. Click link if you want to read about Dean Martin .


  1. How wonderful!

    I love to see people take the creative approach to our Dino -- although nothing can ever improve upon the King of Cool but rather only be an adjunct therero.

  2. Hey pallie, likes I just knew that the teacher in you Miss AOW woulda loves the Dino-creativity in this here post....and agreed..."although nothing can ever improve upon the King of Cool but rather only be an adjunct therero." Keeps lovin' our Dino and thanks for all the encouragement your Dino-reflections bring!
