Saturday, March 31, 2012

He is almost 15 and loves John Lennon, Frank Sinatra, and Dean Martin.

Hey pallies, likes it is always always so so cool to find 'nother of today's youth who truly truly loves our Dino. Yesterday was drawn to a blog tagged "Sharpshooters International" where pallies from all over the globe loves to post their fav pixs. Among the pictoral posts on "Wednesday photo of the week" is one by a lady tagged Stacy who hails from Allen, Texas.

Likes Miss Stacy chose to share a snapshot of her oldest child, boypallie Drake, who at "almost 15" is "an old soul, through and through." And who does this teenager love...."John Lennon, Frank Sinatra, and Dean Martin." Likes how thrillin' to know that Mr. Drake digs our Dino! Likes I get so psyched up when I read of 'nother of the younger generation who is a true Deanager!

So, hats off to Miss Stacy for sharin' the news of her boypallie Deanager Drake's devotion to our most beloved Dino. Simply stunnin' pallies to know that tons of today's teenagers are becomin' hooked on our amazin' Dino! To view this in it's original format, likes just clicks on the tag of this Dino-gram. Dino-devotedly, DMP

Here’s my photo this week. Any time people are dealing with things with their kids, it makes me think an extra moment about my own. This is my oldest, Drake. I had him when I was pretty young (barely 20) and as a result, he and I have a very special relationship. He is an old soul, through and through. He is almost 15 and loves John Lennon, Frank Sinatra, and Dean Martin. He plays guitar and reads books far beyond what normal teenagers are interested in. He is a beautiful person who makes me proud and makes me feel like I’ve done something right in this life every single day. He’s also a great sport whenever I ask him to come outside and let me take pics of him.

Nikon D90 50mm f/1.8 Shot around sunset 1/320 @ f/1.8 ISO 200 Retro processed with exposure offset increase and vibrance.

Caught him mid-sentence and in great need of a haircut.



  1. With "Guys and Dolls" such as this young fellow, Kylie and Levi...Dino's legacy WILL live on!

  2. Hey pallie, likes Matty this is indeed the total total likes I always gets so so thrilled to share news of other young mods who are gettin' likes totally sold out to our Dino. Thanks for all your reflections, and likes, of course, keeps lovin' our Dino!
