Friday, March 23, 2012

The Dean Martin Variety Show Uncut

Hey pallies, likes 'citin' news has come the ilovedinomartin way that a 3 disc set of UNCUT...likes you read that correctly...UNCUT episodes of the Dean Martin Variety Show are bein' released by the pallies at Time-Life on May 22 of this very year.
Likes I just caught this thrillin' news likes last night as it was very recently posted at the pad, "VideoETA." You can read what info is available below.

Likes could this be the start of many collections of programmes from our most beloved Dino's great show?!?!?!?! Looks like the Time-Life folks have heard the hue and cry of Dino-philes everywhere for full episodes of our great man's great show...and they have responded!!!!! When further information is available, be sure that ilovedinomartin will be sharin' it with all you dudes!

Thanks to the pallies at "VideoETA" for this sharin' this breakin' news. To view this in it's original format, likes clicks on the tag of this Dino-gram. Keeps lovin' our Dino! Dino-pysched, DMP


Contains 3 Discs

UPC 610583431698

Retail $29.95

Available 5/22/12

The Dean Martin Variety Show Uncut

Year: 2012

On Video/DVD: May 22, 2012

Starring: Dean Martin
Sid Caesar
Jackie Mason
Bob Newhart
Joey Heatherton

Director: Bill Colleran

Genre: TV Series

Synopsis: Dean Martin never rehearsed, he smoked non-stop, and always had a drink in hand… and people loved it! Now available at retail for the first time ever, this special 3-DVD “UNCUT” set captures all the great jokes, the best music and the memorable moments that made The Dean Martin Variety Show a blockbuster on NBC for nearly a decade! If he flubbed a line or forgot a lyric, Martin would not do a retake, and the mistake – and his recovery from it – went straight to tape and onto the air! Now all of those golden memories have been digitally restored and re-mastered in this special collection.

Rating: Not Rated

Length: 360 Minutes

Studio: WEA Video


  1. This is the greatest Dean Martin release in my lifetime :)
    I never thought we`d ever see The Dean Martin Shows released uncut.
    Congratulations to Time Life and everyone involved with making this dream come true.
    I`m a little confused though, I`ve heard this will be a 3 dvd set but I just looked in at Amazon and they have this listed as 1 Disc, not that it matters.
    I`m so excited and I hope this is just the start of someday having all 245 episodes :)

  2. I saw Ky yesterday, i thought how come Ky is this happy and bubbly, Ky told me the cool news, i said to ky r u sure we are gonna see all of Dinos songs in these shows,
    cos last time we didnt see much Dino, ky said yes sir ee.
    This is the greatest news and i never saw Ky so happy in my whole lfe bout something.
    I have known Ky most of my life and even b4 she ever knew me, when we were at school i saw her, she never saw me tho, i liked her way back then, she was so happy and so cute and funny.
    I have seen her have ups and downs in her life, the one thing she allways wanted for as long as i have known her is to have the real Dino shows with all the songs and its so cool to see her wish is gonna happen.
    And Im gonna get my own set too.
    Just like Ky, i want every show ever made, i think its maybe like 200 shows

  3. Hey pallie, likes Miss Ky you were the first person that I thought of when I read this 'citin' Dino-news. Likes you and all the other true Dino-philes, likes I can't wait for that May date to endulge in full episodes of the Dino-show! Keeps lovin' our Dino!

  4. Hey pallie, likes thanks ever so much Deanager Levi for pipin' in with your Dino-delight at our gettin' ourselves full outstandin' that one of your first "real" Dino-treasures is goin' to be this spectacular cool-ection! Keeps lovin' our Dino!

  5. Well this is good news as I didn't spring for the Time-Life "Best Of" Sets. Thanks for the info pal!

  6. Hey pallie, likes Matty how good to hear from our Dino-holic 'gain...indeed hopefully this will just be the start of releasin' full episodes. Between you and me man, I'm wonderin' how many episodes have music that is affordable to pay the rights least we will be gettin' 6---count 'em-6 full Dino-shows. btw man, I do think that the Dean Martin King of Cool (second released set) is worthy of your Dino-purchasin'...not full episodes but many many delighteful Dino-moments! Keeps lovin' our Dino!
